Congrats! I wish I won something... I kinda needed the cash... but I have a job now at least so I don't NEED the cash like I did... if that makes sense...
But yeah there were so many nice entries and it's nice to see that. Well done everyone.
But we are all should keep bullets with the names Craig and Emuholic Guy on them, if the judjes will be as slow as they are. (For good reason ofcourse)
P.S: I already spent my anoyyed rage on removing good amount of HP from some homeless kids in my city. So now am happy as evryone here!
Yep congrats! I loved these games and many others from the competition! And to all those complaining about the time it took to judge, I can understand that but we should be pleased that they took time to get it right and run the comp in a very good, organised and professional way!