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Still Fresh
Apr 4, 2006
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I have just about all the Gba Games there is but no emulator that can play them well? If anyone knows and emulator that works well??? please let me no
*sigh* The search button is your friend. A GBA emulator is available but it isn't very playable. No one is working on one at the moment.
What's up with the :angry: smilie? If you are unhappy, make one yourself, it's not like developers earn a lot of money by doing this.
Draken posted on Apr 5 2006 at 02:56 AM said:
What's up with the :angry: smilie? If you are unhappy, make one yourself, it's not like developers earn a lot of money by doing this.
Exactly. If you want to get mad at anyone, get mad at yourself for your stupidity, Mr. One-post-wonder.
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The best emulator you can get is to use the actual machine you want to emulate.

</Sarcasm/> I have a great idea, Why don`t you get a Gba ? </Sarcasm/> :rolleyes:

There is one born evey minute. And one of them post's stupid shit like this every day.
kornkock posted on Apr 5 2006 at 07:41 AM said:
I have just about all the Gba Games there is but no emulator that can play them well? If anyone knows and emulator that works well??? please let me no
its times like this im glad we dont have a playable GBA emulator for our little handhelds.
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There will be one when someone writes one.

It's THAT simple

Personally I think gba emulation on a handheld is on dodgy ground, both legally and morally. I really hope that nobody even tries. If it's not retro, don't emulate it.

Buy a GBA, they aren't hard to find.
FluffyPanda posted on Apr 5 2006 at 09:38 AM said:
Buy a GBA, they aren't hard to find.

The original model's dirt cheap on eBay, picked up a couple the other day.
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It'd be cool if people used the search feature of this site and learnt how to spell properly too, alas this is an imperfect world.
kornkock posted on Apr 5 2006 at 06:14 AM said:
I have a Gba i just thought it would be cool 2 have it all in one!!!
Get a flashcard.

- Alex
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Wow...I'm...stunned. The guy asks one simple question and gets about 20 people screaming down his throat. I guess you guys aren't actually screaming. You're LITERALLY condescending him to death. I'm glad I don't have to associate with you people on a daily basis. Try to get out of the house once in a while.

The guy joined yesterday and then you mob the poor bastard for being a newbie.

Just because you lot have a grasp on programming it doesn't mean every other poor sod that joins this forum does....have a little understanding for those less well taught than yourselves....the gift of knowledge is being able to enlighten others and teach them...not give people a kicking
mattyrb posted on Apr 5 2006 at 09:01 AM said:
The guy joined yesterday and then you mob the poor bastard for being a newbie.

Just because you lot have a grasp on programming it doesn't mean every other poor sod that joins this forum does....have a little understanding for those less well taught than yourselves....the gift of knowledge is being able to enlighten others and teach them...not give people a kicking

i think it had more to do with the pissy face + similar psx thread + nasty sounding handle.
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Don’t think of it as mobbing – think of it as “providing a clear consensus of opinion”
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