Gba Sp Bundle & Flu Gp32 For Sale


May 20, 2003
Leicestershire, UK
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Well i didnt think it would happen, EVER. But I've found a couple of hobbies that intrest me more than video gaming :o . Astonomy & Photography (and Astophotography as well) Unfortunatley these are bloody expencive past times and the more I spend doing them the less time I have to play games and the more money i need. So I'm selling up my hand helds as I'll normaly have a camera in my hands when traveling rather than a GP or GB.

So I'm offering up my kit here before it goes to ebay.

GameBoy bundle:
Black GameBoy Advance SP BOXED
Zelda Link to the Past / 4 Swords BOXED
King of the Fighters EX Neo BloodBOXED
Final Fantasy TacticsBOXED
MegaMan Battle Network 3: White BOXED
Pink :unsure: GameBoy Advance (non sp)BOXED
GlowGuard (Very good GBA light)UNBOXED
Link Cable.UNBOXED
GB Pocket: cool looking slim line bright yellow with black features origonal gameboy (not colour, not Advanced) UNBOXED
Pokemon blueUNBOXED
Mario Land 1 UNBOXED
Mario Land 2 UNBOXED

FLU GP32, OC's to 156Mhz BOXED
Standard PC - Gp32 link cable
4 x 128 MB SMC full of games, movies, Music & cartooons SLEAVED
Cards contain offical & origonal software purchased from Entwares site: Movie Park movie player and Tomak Saves the Earth again game.
Case for Either GB/GBC/GBP/GP32.

All items are mint. (Serious) Offers please.

Thanks for taking a look guys.
Im in the UK (sorry forgot to mention)
Mustard im sorry thats to low ('speshly if u take international shipping into accou nt and any customs :unsure: ) the SMC's alone are worth ~£80 (first hand that is)

Zenocha its all in mint condition, if your talking dust specks it hasnt got any at all. Are you intrested in the SP alone or the whole GB set ? any games etc ?
just the sp, i have plenty of games and an a/b gba i just want it for the flip screen as i cant stand scratches, im not sure if ill get it or not, depends if i have enough spare cash floating around. i was just interested in what sort of price your offering.
mustardseed posted on Feb 4 2004 at 11:23 PM said:
i offer $200 for the gp32 bundle
Heh no way the gp32 package gonna be sold for $200.... 4 128 smcs = 200 alrdy
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I really don?t want to break these items down any further than GBA set and GP32 set. I have included individual prices of items so prospective buyers can compare prices for the purpose of making offers on the whole sets, judging the bargain they are getting , etc.

GameBoy bundle:
Black GameBoy Advance SP BOXED.......................................£75
Zelda Link to the Past / 4 Swords BOXED...............................£15
King of the Fighters EX Neo Blood BOXED................................£5
Final Fantasy Tactics BOXED................................................£15
MegaMan Battle Network 3: White BOXED...............................£10
Pink GameBoy Advance (non sp) BOXED................................£25
GlowGuard (Very good GBA light)UNBOXED.............................£Free with GBA
Link Cable. UNBOXED.......................................................£Free with Both GB's
GB Pocket: cool looking slim line bright yellow with black features original gameboy (not colour, not Advanced) UNBOXED£7
Pokemon blue UNBOXED.......................................................£1
Mario Land 1 UNBOXED.........................................................£1
Mario Land 2 UNBOXED........................................................ £1

Total: £155+p&p

FLU GP32, OC's to 156Mhz BOXED....................................£100
4x SMC................................................................(each)£18
Commercial Software(Tomak & Movie park)...................... £Free with GP32 bundle
Bundled CD-ROM(software, emus, etc ;) )...................... £Free on request with GP32 bundle
Carry case(branded Nintendo but gr8 for gp + SMC+ spare cells) £Free with gp32 bundle.

Total £172+p&p

If all items brought together free p+p OR £10 off (depending on what?s cheaper for me).

Any takers ? or offers? before this kit hits ebay
Without shipping or any SMC it comes to $185.30
Sorry if thats a bit harsh but the value of the $ against the £ has dropped right into the toilet atm. A few weeks ago it would have only been ~$145 :(
well i know you dont wanna break em down any further but it would be best to, even in ebay, maybe doing gba sp and 2 of the advanced games as one auction them the other advanced with some other games and the pocket with the game boy pocket games, will work easyer like that for you!

also if you do do that i will be intersted in takeing the gbasp off you for a verry fair price

if you wish to sell me it with a few games in a bundle like email me or if u have msn add me :D