Well i didnt think it would happen, EVER. But I've found a couple of hobbies that intrest me more than video gaming
. Astonomy & Photography (and Astophotography as well) Unfortunatley these are bloody expencive past times and the more I spend doing them the less time I have to play games and the more money i need. So I'm selling up my hand helds as I'll normaly have a camera in my hands when traveling rather than a GP or GB.
So I'm offering up my kit here before it goes to ebay.
GameBoy bundle:
Black GameBoy Advance SP BOXED
Zelda Link to the Past / 4 Swords BOXED
King of the Fighters EX Neo BloodBOXED
Final Fantasy TacticsBOXED
MegaMan Battle Network 3: White BOXED
Pink :unsure: GameBoy Advance (non sp)BOXED
GlowGuard (Very good GBA light)UNBOXED
Link Cable.UNBOXED
GB Pocket: cool looking slim line bright yellow with black features origonal gameboy (not colour, not Advanced) UNBOXED
Pokemon blueUNBOXED
Mario Land 1 UNBOXED
Mario Land 2 UNBOXED
FLU GP32, OC's to 156Mhz BOXED
Standard PC - Gp32 link cable
4 x 128 MB SMC full of games, movies, Music & cartooons SLEAVED
Cards contain offical & origonal software purchased from Entwares site: Movie Park movie player and Tomak Saves the Earth again game.
Case for Either GB/GBC/GBP/GP32.
All items are mint. (Serious) Offers please.
Thanks for taking a look guys.
So I'm offering up my kit here before it goes to ebay.
GameBoy bundle:
Black GameBoy Advance SP BOXED
Zelda Link to the Past / 4 Swords BOXED
King of the Fighters EX Neo BloodBOXED
Final Fantasy TacticsBOXED
MegaMan Battle Network 3: White BOXED
Pink :unsure: GameBoy Advance (non sp)BOXED
GlowGuard (Very good GBA light)UNBOXED
Link Cable.UNBOXED
GB Pocket: cool looking slim line bright yellow with black features origonal gameboy (not colour, not Advanced) UNBOXED
Pokemon blueUNBOXED
Mario Land 1 UNBOXED
Mario Land 2 UNBOXED
FLU GP32, OC's to 156Mhz BOXED
Standard PC - Gp32 link cable
4 x 128 MB SMC full of games, movies, Music & cartooons SLEAVED
Cards contain offical & origonal software purchased from Entwares site: Movie Park movie player and Tomak Saves the Earth again game.
Case for Either GB/GBC/GBP/GP32.
All items are mint. (Serious) Offers please.
Thanks for taking a look guys.