GBA more simular to GP32

I'd like to see the software for playing Divx on GBA(curiosity) Is it as good as GP32? Link? :huh:
There is no C64 emu, no divx player and no MP3 player.

The emus it has are very impressive though for the 16mhz cpu they are 100% ASM, i'm not sure why the ASM cpu cores can't be used on the GP32, its the same CPU, and pocketnes is open source as is the (rather slow) pc engine emu.

The max cart size is 128MB.

Its a nice little machine though, but it isn't a GP32, the damned tiny screen is the reason i don't use it for emulators.

Mind if you think thats bad try the NES emu on the Nguage... has to be seen to be believed.

The GBA can play movies in software but from what I read, the codec uses a slide show of many still images and put them in one file. The file size is big so I'm not even sure an episode would fit on 64 mbytes and the encoding time is looooooong. Something like 10 hours for 2 minutes. The quality is good but the fonctionality, the way I see it, is for demonstration of shot clips only.

So in that department, the GP32 clearly wins!!
jesus FUCKING christ, not another gba vs gp32 thread. what's next? intel vs amd? nvidia vs ati? ffs.
That's a bit extreme isn't it? I was pointing out the simularities between the two consoles now, not pitting them aganist each other. So maybe you should ACTUALLY READ THE OPENING POST.
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Is there a 1GB flashlinker for the gba
If there is could anybody post a link