Rigor Mortis posted on Aug 5 2003 said:
You, sir, with all due respect, are an IDIOT.
It's beem discussed before - GBA emulation is not possible on the GP32. Even if an emu that is fast enough could be written, the GP32 does not have enough RAM to run anything except the very smallest GBA games.
No matter what we say, huh? :lol:
With all due respect, all most everything you've just said is wrong, although he is an idiot

. The GP has plenty of RAM, as GBA games are rated in Mb not MB. About 70% of GBA games are are 4MB or below. The rest are generally 8MB, with a few above that. The GP would (with effort, and ASM) be capable of emulating the GBA, even better, you could try running the CPU code direct, and just emulating the other hardware.
And NSS one 'we don't talk about GBA emu's round here' -you mean YOU don't talk about it, don't include the rest of us. I own a GBA, and close to 40 games, and iv'e developed for it, if a GBA emu turns up, not only will it be a work of skill to be applauded, but i'll use it. I'm legaly allowed to use my roms on whatever machine I like so long as only one copy is use at a time. So I want to play it on a bigger screen? with stereo? and not lug two machines around? then I will. The more I can fit in my little box of tricks the more I like it

Although maybe i'm rare, but I don't think so, I collect differant systems and games, not digital copies.