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Motocross Maniacs
Old School Motocross Action B)
Before we begin...
I have a story to tell. Many, many years ago, I was searching eBay back when it was pretty new, and I came across a Game Boy cartridge called the "Super 200 in 1." Looking closer I saw that the seller claimed that this particular item would never be available on eBay again. I had to have it, so I bid on it...

And there it is. Yes, it says "Super Mario 4" with a blatant theivery of the Super Mario 64 logo, and you know what, Super Mario 4 (which, correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't exist) is indeed on this cartridge... and it's pretty fun! Also there is a Sonic game on there, too, but I don't like that so much. It's really easy to fall into holes because the level designs aren't too great. Lots of other greats included on there, too.
There are nowhere near 200 games on this thing, actually. Maybe around 45 to 50 (some of them are hidden pretty well) and then they're just the same games listed with different names, but it's still pretty freaking awesome regardless.
Anyway, now that I'm done bragging about my super-cool cartridge, let's get on with this. One of the games included in this cart is Motocross Maniacs--a Konami game.

The Game
Motocross Maniacs is a game that, at first, might remind you of Excitebike. Both are on motorbikes; both have nitrous. But you'll realize these games are very different once you actually get to playing it.
Well, according to the copyright in the beginning, this game came out way back in 1989, so we have to take that into account. Overall, the graphics are probably about on par for that time period, but, more importantly, the graphics work very well with the game. No background makes the rider much more easy to see, and all the graphics that do exist look alright.
Again, old game, so we can't expect that much. Although the music it does have is memorable and as good as one would expect and want from a game of its age. The sound effects (what few that there are) are all good and well-executed.
Most important of all, this game plays really good. It's very simple. Unlike Excitebike, there is no moving up and down into various lanes in this game--it's just a single plane, and you just keep driving to the right. Also, this game is MUCH faster than Excitebike. The controls are simple--one button for gas, another for nitrous. Nitrous is very important in this game; you have to use it to make it into the loops, over pools of water, and for jumping from platform to platform. Also very important is collecting items, such as T's for extended time and N's for more nitrous (which, in turn, allows you to get more T's and N's). As you go on, the jumping will become more and more challenging, but it never reaches the point that it becomes frustrating. There are 3 modes: Solo (Time Trial), Vs Computer (against one computer player), and Vs Player.
This game emulates perfectly on Rlyeh's f-Day preview version of fGB32.
This game is 24.0kb zipped--what the heck do you have to lose? GO GET IT!
Score: 4.5/5
Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
Old School Motocross Action B)
Before we begin...
I have a story to tell. Many, many years ago, I was searching eBay back when it was pretty new, and I came across a Game Boy cartridge called the "Super 200 in 1." Looking closer I saw that the seller claimed that this particular item would never be available on eBay again. I had to have it, so I bid on it...

And there it is. Yes, it says "Super Mario 4" with a blatant theivery of the Super Mario 64 logo, and you know what, Super Mario 4 (which, correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't exist) is indeed on this cartridge... and it's pretty fun! Also there is a Sonic game on there, too, but I don't like that so much. It's really easy to fall into holes because the level designs aren't too great. Lots of other greats included on there, too.
There are nowhere near 200 games on this thing, actually. Maybe around 45 to 50 (some of them are hidden pretty well) and then they're just the same games listed with different names, but it's still pretty freaking awesome regardless.
Anyway, now that I'm done bragging about my super-cool cartridge, let's get on with this. One of the games included in this cart is Motocross Maniacs--a Konami game.

The Game
Motocross Maniacs is a game that, at first, might remind you of Excitebike. Both are on motorbikes; both have nitrous. But you'll realize these games are very different once you actually get to playing it.
Well, according to the copyright in the beginning, this game came out way back in 1989, so we have to take that into account. Overall, the graphics are probably about on par for that time period, but, more importantly, the graphics work very well with the game. No background makes the rider much more easy to see, and all the graphics that do exist look alright.
Again, old game, so we can't expect that much. Although the music it does have is memorable and as good as one would expect and want from a game of its age. The sound effects (what few that there are) are all good and well-executed.
Most important of all, this game plays really good. It's very simple. Unlike Excitebike, there is no moving up and down into various lanes in this game--it's just a single plane, and you just keep driving to the right. Also, this game is MUCH faster than Excitebike. The controls are simple--one button for gas, another for nitrous. Nitrous is very important in this game; you have to use it to make it into the loops, over pools of water, and for jumping from platform to platform. Also very important is collecting items, such as T's for extended time and N's for more nitrous (which, in turn, allows you to get more T's and N's). As you go on, the jumping will become more and more challenging, but it never reaches the point that it becomes frustrating. There are 3 modes: Solo (Time Trial), Vs Computer (against one computer player), and Vs Player.
This game emulates perfectly on Rlyeh's f-Day preview version of fGB32.
This game is 24.0kb zipped--what the heck do you have to lose? GO GET IT!
Score: 4.5/5
Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting