GAMES Magazinne awards

Shrike posted on May 21 2003 said:
hmmm, i was more technically competent with a PC by the age of 10 than anyone else in my family, I still am tbh :). But if someone had shown me this when i was 10 i'd discard it and play on mega drive. You gotta understand the mentally of a kid though, they want what everyone else has, no individuality gotta be part of the crowd
Exactly the same as me except I am better ;) (I was the best at comps since I was 7, beat that!) And also about being part of the crowd, that is exactly the opposite of what I am like and exactly the same as what everyone else thinks (I am the strangest kid in the world and if you find one as strange as me please tell me so I can actually have fun with someone that is my age :P )
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i'm probably weirder but i'm 17 but when i was 11 i sat around reading many many books, most of them like thick chunky adult ones like Stephen King etc, playing computer games obsessively, sleeping little, and slacking at school :D now i'm exactly the same but i'm a weirdo goth
rcx21000 posted on May 21 2003 said:
Illegal to mod your own stuff? This is CRAZY! <_< Soon it is going to be illegal to add RAM to any computer that had/still has Windows on it unless you pay microsoft $1,000s So if I am carrying an X-Box, drop it, and it works better after I drop it, I have done something illeal? (not that I really care, but all this stuff is strange)
Actually, if you read the EULA for Windows XP (and 2K? Not sure there) it technically already is. They say that the computer is sold as a single working Unit, and you're not allowed to tamper or your Windows liscence gets revoked. Which means you can't wipe Windows if it crashes... Now that's sensible...

Not sure how it works on the front of installing a newer version... I suppose if you use the upgrade feature, then technically that's using Windows Update (or equivalent) to apply "Critcal Security Patches to your system"

This is, of course, ignored by everyone... Why, oh why Microsoft, did you decide to be such a bunch of power-hogging wankers?

(Read this on the Register, about a year ago or so... its not just coming straight out of my arse. Then again, they're *very* anti MS so it could have been misrepresented there...)
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