Gameprobe32: Contributor(s) Needed!


Hardcore Gamer
Oct 29, 2004
Hi, I'm the owner & co-creator of GameProbe32, the site dedicated to everything GP32.
Currently, frolik & I have been doing the site alone, with the exception of a guest review by the Wub (thanx!) Anyway, frolik has to leave for a few months and I would hate to see the site turn to shambles with just my reviews & articles until he returns, so I'm asking for volunteers. If anyone is interested in helping out the site, we could sure use it right now! This is one of the friendliest communities on the internet, I hope there are some out there who would like to contribute.

Thanx to frolik for his unprecedented help with getting the site moving,
& thanx to everyone else for their time & interest in our site!

BobBorakovitz posted on Apr 12 2005 at 09:37 AM said:
Hi, I'm the owner & co-creator of GameProbe32, the site dedicated to everything GP32.
Currently, frolik & I have been doing the site alone, with the exception of a guest review by the Wub (thanx!) Anyway, frolik has to leave for a few months and I would hate to see the site turn to shambles with just my reviews & articles until he returns, so I'm asking for volunteers. If anyone is interested in helping out the site, we could sure use it right now! This is one of the friendliest communities on the internet, I hope there are some out there who would like to contribute.

Thanx to frolik for his unprecedented help with getting the site moving,
& thanx to everyone else for their time & interest in our site!


yes. i will
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In two weeks i will have lots of free time, can i review for you some of the gems i've been playing?

I am a freelance writer for local newspapers and national magazines and am going to launch a gaming website of my own later this year when I have sufficient content and my webmaster has finalised the design.

I was going to have a GP32 section of my own on the site with reviews of homebrews, emulated classics and the like, but to save diluting the community too much, I would gladly contribute articles to your website instead.

Let me know if you are interested and if there is something specific you would like me to write about. I don't mind simply reviewing anything and everything that isn't on the site already!
Nova posted on Apr 12 2005 at 08:05 PM said:
kknd_cf posted on Apr 12 2005 at 08:02 PM said:
After these bastard GCSE's yeah sure.

i was gonna suggest kknd, hes written a lot of class reviews for this site.
Thanks, don't forget Warmnfluffyuk everyone.
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kknd_cf posted on Apr 12 2005 at 08:29 PM said:
Nova posted on Apr 12 2005 at 08:05 PM said:
kknd_cf posted on Apr 12 2005 at 08:02 PM said:
After these bastard GCSE's yeah sure.

i was gonna suggest kknd, hes written a lot of class reviews for this site.
Thanks, don't forget Warmnfluffyuk everyone.

oh of course yes :) the elite tam of reviewers, i can see it now :lol:
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This all sounds really promising, thanks for the response everyone!

I just bought a camper van and am going to live in it for 5 months and travel round Australia, so there's not going to be much geek action for me for a while :P it's been really good fun writing up stuff for GameProbe, and I want to keep it up when my life regains normality, I'm in the middle of various articles right now that I hope to finish too.

The main thing I've worked on is the "Recommended Gaming" articles, I thought that these give the site a kind of purpose, allowing folks to get an at-a-glance feel for a game and maybe try it, and add a different angle to the other fanzines around. I know that people scan through some large reviews and the final score is the only thing really looked at, so hopefully these mini reviews were in nice bite size chunks! :o

An intention from the start was to create a nice website interface for the site, but as content is far more important, we wanted to concentrate on publishing new stuff to keep interest. I know Donskeeto has showed an interest in helping with the design, so maybe something will happen before long, otherwise I will do it myself one day (providing the site is still alive and kicking!!)

Thanks, Bob, it's been fun! Hope it all works out nicely B)
ok, everyone who's interested in joining, I've made a couple of decisions about the site.
I'm looking for 2-3 writers, maybe 1 or 2 things a week, and also I'll take guest reviews for those just wanting to share their favorites. Everyone interested please send me a PM with a short article to help narrow down who's serious. Thanx again, everyone!
