Gp32 Homebrew Reviews Page

no reason to spam pm boxes of users with your "do you want to help us out?" stuff <.<
I only asked folks who I thought might be up for reviewing, as these topics can be easily missed / forgotten about.

If you aren't up for helping out that's cool, I didn't enable "forced reply" :P
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i've already started getting ideas on my site redesign. If anybody has any reviews, especially of older homebrewn games, please submit them to
GP32World has had reviews of games & programs for the GP32 for quite a while now, & it's not that hard to submit one...

The trouble is that I always thought that in a review site there should be different categories for different games, and more than one person should be able to review a specific game and still have it show up under one link... what is there right now is a little clunky!

I envisioned the review section looking something like , but unfortunately Crazeeplaya hasn't been able to rework it since I suggested the idea... :(
Actually, the project is working out a lot better than I thought - I got new submissions every day (thanks frolik, bob, ernest, jr2swiss), the project is growing constantly, frolik had a lot of nice ideas, and, we had more than 350 visitor each day so far. I'd call that a success for now.
don, do you know php?

perhaps it would be a good idea to have an automatic submit type thingy.
don, do you know php?

perhaps it would be a good idea to have an automatic submit type thingy.

Did you actually look at the page? ;)
It's made with a mysql database backend and a php frontend, so obviously I've heard of PHP before...
About the submit thingy, it's on my list, but it'll be rather complicated because I need some kind of moderation (like, reading reviews before they go into the database) and the uploading of screenshots.
But apart from that, I almost instantly add reviews I get via mail (at least when I'm not sleeping) so it's not my #1 priority atm.
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I didnt look at the code, just the site.

I assumed that when u got a new review you just created another page.
The site is looking great! glad to see people helping out with the reviews, before long we'll have a lot of the homebrew games covered....

Lina, if you mean you would like a review of your game I'm sure one of us would happily do a piece on it, let us know when you have something reviewable!
