Gameparks Vision


Arguable Idiot
Jan 7, 2005
Visit site
This is new from the last time i visited Gameparks homepage, and since now it has an english option, i could go into more depth, but i found this page interesting.

it's basically the companies mission statement. the 2 interesting points, "game entertainment leader" ??? I'm sure Nintendo has held this title for a long time not Gamepark.

Also, the talk about mobile games and stuff, and it says the release of the GP32 and the devolping of the GPI, the copywrite on the page is 2004 and i know the GPI hasn't been talked about in a long time. Do you think they are still working on this?? Could this be the rumored GP32 2?

EDIT: Just found this, click on history and read "2004 Establishment of Gamepark Holdings
Release GP32 BLU Europe
Conclusion of contract with Samsung electronics use of 3D game phone,Little Wizard" 3D game phone :blink: what is gamepark up to?
Gameparks english department is just a room filled with thousands of monkies.

Did anyone read the reviews of their games on the site? It basically calls them shit, but the only thing you can chose.

EDIT:Hehe, GameParks main english translator is still BumHong Lee, I bet he is the only person working at Gamepark.
That's quite a weighty vision for a tiny, almost unknown Korean company. But it does give me hope for a second GamePark system. :D

EDIT: Does everyone see that the Lik-Sang ad above has changed to not mention GP32.. I hope that doesn't mean they're no longer going to carry it. :(
i just reversed translated the page and what they meant to say was...
We are not the leader of any games market and we are almost completely bankrupt and will not be funding any new hardware or anything, and YES we do have monkey translators.

...the mediocre graphics and barely existent story...And depending on your priorities, it might even be worth your money.


Sure it¡¯s pretty, sure it¡¯s well animated, sure it¡¯s already legendary among GP32 owners. But Astonishia Story R has a dark side (get the pun here, win points!).

??????????? :blink:

To boil it all down, I play this game because it¡¯s the only one I¡¯ve got. There¡¯s just no other choice in terms of RPGs until Gransta Chronicle comes along
