Gamepark Named Newgp32 Xgp ?

i would definatly buy it!!!
if the batteries will work atleast 5hours it would be ok for me..
what type of flashcards are we talking about? are those expensive or not. one important question for me.
These theoretical specs sound very good and I think it would be enough reason to buy it for most of the people here.

But to increase the user base, it would need FAR BETTER commercial game support. With good 3D games, I would buy it right away, without I'd think twice.

With NDS, PSP it's not the same situation like when the GP32 came out. It's more competition today.

The 2nd question mark: will wireless gaming be included?
Esn posted on Jul 16 2005 at 05:54 AM said:
... a bonus would be if it had a D-stick that didn't skip over the diagonals and wasn't wobbly.
That, no dust under the screen and perfect (possible) emulation of all pre-3D systems sounds fine to me. Everything else is just an added bonus.
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shinneri posted on Jul 16 2005 at 08:31 PM said:
the likes of psx emulation and commercial game support are just not gonna happen and who cares anyway???????????

All the best titles were mostly pre psx anyway and most of us on this board will be more than happy with that and that alone.

Want psx games then go and buy a psone with a screen on it - should cost you about 30-40 on ebay at the mo. or a psp of course.

my only pipe dream personally would be a handheld with an inbuilt hard drive with the capability to emulate the saturn perfectly with an original saturn pad biult in for good measure!! I'll keep dreaming!!
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Could you do batteries AND a small Li pack :P ? If theres a backlit screen I would buy that thing so fast!

Oh, what about xd cards? That would keep the size down, and add more room for the screen and batteries.
x68000 posted on Jul 16 2005 at 09:54 PM said:
shinneri posted on Jul 16 2005 at 08:31 PM said:
the likes of psx emulation and commercial game support are just not gonna happen and who cares anyway???????????

All the best titles were mostly pre psx anyway and most of us on this board will be more than happy with that and that alone.

Want psx games then go and buy a psone with a screen on it - should cost you about 30-40 on ebay at the mo. or a psp of course.

my only pipe dream personally would be a handheld with an inbuilt hard drive with the capability to emulate the saturn perfectly with an original saturn pad biult in for good measure!! I'll keep dreaming!!

So, who cares about PSX, but Saturn would be nice? :P
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Jarska333 posted on Jul 16 2005 at 06:44 PM said:
x68000 posted on Jul 16 2005 at 09:54 PM said:
shinneri posted on Jul 16 2005 at 08:31 PM said:
the likes of psx emulation and commercial game support are just not gonna happen and who cares anyway???????????

All the best titles were mostly pre psx anyway and most of us on this board will be more than happy with that and that alone.

Want psx games then go and buy a psone with a screen on it - should cost you about 30-40 on ebay at the mo. or a psp of course.

my only pipe dream personally would be a handheld with an inbuilt hard drive with the capability to emulate the saturn perfectly with an original saturn pad biult in for good measure!! I'll keep dreaming!!

So, who cares about PSX, but Saturn would be nice? :P

Yeah... I was thinking the exact same thing... True, most good games came out before PSX, but there are still some really good ones on that system. It would be a nice bonus if the new system could emulate it, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be all pissed off if it's not on... and don't give me that crap, "want psx games then go buy a psone with a screen on it..." You could say the exact same thing about everything else that the GP32 does. There's a device out there for each and every function the GP32 performs. You wanna watch movies? buy a portable DVD player! you wanna play NES games? Buy an NES and turn it into a portable system, it can be done! or go buy a pocket famicom, game axe, or game theory admiral! You wanna play SNES? Make your own portable SNES out of a regular one. You wanna play gameboy or gamegear? Go buy one! You wanna listen to music? Go buy a damn CD or MP3 player! You wanna play atari? Go buy an atari and make your own portable! You wanna play arcade games? Go buy all the arcade cabinets of the games you want to play! I could go on, but I won't anymore... I hope you see the stupidity of your comment.
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x68000 posted on Jul 16 2005 at 07:54 PM said:
shinneri posted on Jul 16 2005 at 08:31 PM said:
my only pipe dream personally would be a handheld with an inbuilt hard drive with the capability to emulate the saturn perfectly with an original saturn pad biult in for good measure!! I'll keep dreaming!!

And dreaming is all you will be doing. Do you realize how hard it would be to emulate a Saturn? You need a high spec PC to do it now. What makes you think a 300 MHz handheld will do it? Common guys let's be realistic. The new system is supposed to be cheaper than the current model. There has to be costs cut somewhere, it isn't magic. Think perfect emulation of 16 bit and less, and forget Saturn and PSX.
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DaveC posted on Jul 17 2005 at 05:50 AM said:
And dreaming is all you will be doing. Do you realize how hard it would be to emulate a Saturn? You need a high spec PC to do it now. What makes you think a 300 MHz handheld will do it?

A 300Mhz handheld may not, but I'm sure that a 400Mhz handheld will. :D

/or do you know something we do not? ;)
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Esn posted on Jul 17 2005 at 06:41 AM said:
DaveC posted on Jul 17 2005 at 05:50 AM said:
And dreaming is all you will be doing.  Do you realize how hard it would be to emulate a Saturn?  You need a high spec PC to do it now.  What makes you think a 300 MHz handheld will do it?

A 300Mhz handheld may not, but I'm sure that a 400Mhz handheld will. :D

/or do you know something we do not? ;)

I know that multiple CPUs in the Saturn aren't going to be emulated even if it was 400 MHZ. Even 600 MHz PPCs don't do it.
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DaveC posted on Jul 17 2005 at 07:50 AM said:
x68000 posted on Jul 16 2005 at 07:54 PM said:
shinneri posted on Jul 16 2005 at 08:31 PM said:
my only pipe dream personally would be a handheld with an inbuilt hard drive with the capability to emulate the saturn perfectly with an original saturn pad biult in for good measure!! I'll keep dreaming!!

And dreaming is all you will be doing. Do you realize how hard it would be to emulate a Saturn? You need a high spec PC to do it now. What makes you think a 300 MHz handheld will do it? Common guys let's be realistic. The new system is supposed to be cheaper than the current model. There has to be costs cut somewhere, it isn't magic. Think perfect emulation of 16 bit and less, and forget Saturn and PSX.

Cost cut? The parts are just cheaper. There really doesn't need to be a cut anywhere.

PSX is simple structurally. I think it's feasible. It will not run, say, FFVII, but games like Puzzle Bobble, and any non-polygon 3D, could well be playable.

Don't like being told to "forget something"... :)
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of course "playable", lets say ~10fps, psx could be possible, but stop talking allways only about emus, it makes you look stupid.
"see the stupidity of my comment"? I doubt it somehow, the point being obviously missed by magnus86. All the other things you mentioned can be adequetley emulated by the gp32 including movies, bar the space limitations right now. On the other hand PSX emulation could never possibly become anything near as accomplished as what you will get on the real system, unlike what we have on so many other emulators which are excellent and in most cases mean we have little need for the original systems.

Maybe Magnus should just stick a sock in it before he opens his mouth next time :o

Oh by the way davec, i said the saturn was a pipe dream not an expectation, after all achetectrially it is possibly the most most notoriously hard platform to build emulators for as it was equally hard to program for. It was mentioned as it was the spiritual successor to the old 2d 16 bit systems unlike the psx which basically killed the 2d market worldwide except in japan.
Eh? What's wrong with looking stupid? And what else is there to talk about? Commercial games? Not too optimistic about those... :) Homebrew might be nice, but that's one thing that remains to be seen.

I hate people who tell me what I can, and what I can't talk about. As I understand, this is somewhat free, public forum, so as long as I'm not breaking any laws, or boundaries of of good taste, or forum rules... You can just... Well, not gonna toss away good behavior for that.