Gamepark Files Bankruptcy

craigix said:
The DS does have the advantage of a lower resolution of course.
But does not make that much difference. Haven't played my DS for a while since I got the GP2X though.
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Miika said:
epitaph said:
with most things not being fully textured, broken lighting and certain effects removed. Quite and achievement if you ask me.
Wrong. Everything is textured (except sky DSQuake). The lighting is in the soon-coming release of QuakeDS (which also is fully textured now), and the effects weren't removed, just werent made yet, I think they are in the upcoming release.
And what's more, both ports have mostly higher framerate with 34MHz + 66MHz than 2xQuake at 200MHz, face it, it's not bad.


I would expect Quake to be decent as DS has 3D hardware it *should* be fullspeed.

The emus suck though due to the low res.
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4:3 all the way for handhelds.

always hated widescreen but, i do play counter strike source in widescreen on a 4:3 21" monitor, seems to run better that way and models use more pixels :P
Hello everyone, I'm new to Gamespark and wanted to ask a question on this! I'm getting a GP2X for crimbo along with all the accessories. Will this bankruptcy effect the GP2X? Is it the same company releasing the f-200 next month? Just wondering as I'd be gutted if they pulled the plug on it, also it would mean no customer support?

Just would like some clarification on what this all means!


NickLoTurco said:
Hello everyone, I'm new to Gamespark and wanted to ask a question on this! I'm getting a GP2X for crimbo along with all the accessories. Will this bankruptcy effect the GP2X? Is it the same company releasing the f-200 next month? Just wondering as I'd be gutted if they pulled the plug on it, also it would mean no customer support?

Just would like some clarification on what this all means!


The GP2x is made my GPH, which is a separate company and defies all logic by somehow staying in business.
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NickLoTurco said:
Just would like some clarification on what this all means!
GamePark and GamePark Holdings (GPH) are different companies.
The GamePark´s defunct project was XGP, and the GPH´ product is the GP2X.

GP is dead and GPH is still alive and kicking (AFAIK).
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It's not the same company btw, no worries...
NickLoTurco said:
Just wondering as I'd be gutted if they pulled the plug on it, also it would mean no customer support?
Don't worry, there never was any. :P
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NickLoTurco said:
Hello everyone, I'm new to Gamespark and wanted to ask a question on this! I'm getting a GP2X for crimbo along with all the accessories. Will this bankruptcy effect the GP2X? Is it the same company releasing the f-200 next month? Just wondering as I'd be gutted if they pulled the plug on it, also it would mean no customer support?

Just would like some clarification on what this all means!


Customer support, from GPH?

It seems we have ourselves a comedian...
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Nova said:
NickLoTurco said:
Hello everyone, I'm new to Gamespark and wanted to ask a question on this! I'm getting a GP2X for crimbo along with all the accessories. Will this bankruptcy effect the GP2X? Is it the same company releasing the f-200 next month? Just wondering as I'd be gutted if they pulled the plug on it, also it would mean no customer support?

Just would like some clarification on what this all means!


Customer support, from GPH?

It seems we have ourselves a comedian...

lol customer support = pignutted
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