Game Makers


Still Fresh
Jun 3, 2003
If you ask me what we need is more projects like Guyfawkes rpg32. Im sure there are many people out there like myself who would like to produce something for the GP32 without having to use advanced code.
For those who have used products like Mugen (fighting Engine),ASCii-shooter(shooting games) RGPmaker (Speakes for its self), and Game maker studio(2d and 3D - simple to advanced) I dout if we will ever see any offical games released out side of Korea (unfortunatly) So the next best thing would be to make them ourselves (and Share each others content (midis, Chars, Code etc. like they do in the RPGmaker ring) Im sure that there are people or even teams that could produce some realy great games....
+ Its i belive that a 2D, 3D user friendly game maker is quite possible for the GP32 i just hope that either game park or someone in the GP-community will produce one someday....
I for one have been thinking about having a nice DungeonCraft port.. I love Unlimited Adventures. Now there was a great amateur game developers scene with lots of creative & dedicated people. Maybe the graphics etc are a little outdated etc, but some great games there.
MUGEN for GP32... *drool*

That RPG Maker will be great, hopefully it'll work well and allow people to design their own graphics, sound and music etc. Hopefully we'll see some really interesting RPG's made by users. :) Maybe I'll give it a try myself, altho I claim no talent. ;)
Some of the games that the public have made using game makers are better than original's.
If ther were game makers like Ascii Shooter maker and rpg maker i beleave that it wold make the GP32 much more popular, game makers such as these have major cult followings....

Not to mention all of the free games that wold be avalable :)

+ We get to make our own (I made a remake of bionic comando wold love to make a sequel for the GP32.)
To be brutally honest, I think proper games should have detailed home-made sprites and graphics and code... because i've seen RPG maker and such, and most of the games look indentical to me.