Official Games For The Pandora


Jan 6, 2010
Firstly I'm sorry if the title was a little misleading.

Now that's behind us, I was thinking about a project. It is to develop a games engine that is feature-packed and able to run fullspeed.
From this, there will be an official game developed to show people how to make their own game from it.
So it's a For Us, By Us concept.

I was specifically thinking of M.U.G.E.N. and see potential. I was thinking what if the whole MUGEN engine was made to display everything in 2D but in a 3D space. MUGEN would need some adjustments:
change the orientation (view from back)
add in "constant refresh" (dont know the real term): the background moves from the focal point to the edges (vice versa) to give the illusion an object is moving (example Virtua Racing: Sega Genesis)

The game developer only needs to make the title screen, make their own menu, make their sprites, make the effect (moves the sprite creates like electricity/fire etc), make background (which can be dynamic like a driving game), make interactable objects (like breaking tables), make weapons (dropped from enemies or objects, picked up from ground), make accesories (ration packs, armour etc).

The package should include everything (engine, sprite maker, background, objects etc etc maker and how to package it into PND file).
If it was made conveniently I see a lot of potential for some neat library of games. People can host them on the AppStore probably for free but may choose to charge for it if there efforts were worth it.

Here's an illustration:


I've deduced these ways to alter the orientation to make the engine act 3D-ish. I'm not talking about 3D MUGEN which is pretty pathetic placing 3D objects on a 2D plane, completely useless and somewhat a waste (except for the New Super Mario Wii ofcourse!)
Sorry can't see the picture.

I don't completely get what you suppose. Why invent some weird kind of retroish engine when the Pandora is able to do polygon graphics?
Here's the long read:

Type of Movement__________Direction according to character_______________Direction on screen

2D MUGEN with side-planes (adventure side scrollers, ie Ninja Turtles = 100% 2D with extra planes)
Longest Move:_____________Forward/Back_________________________________(left to right)
Long Move:________________Left/Right___________________________________(middle small/bottom large)
Short Move:_______________Jump up/land down____________________________(top to bottom)
Combination:______________Jump forwards/Jump backwards_________________(top and right/top and left)
Combination2:_____________Walk Diagonal (Forward/Backward & Left/Right) (left/right + smaller/larger)
Difficulty: Easy/Original design (Side View)
A) Number of Positions: 18* Major points, if screen is larger = more (minor points) positions
B) Number of different images/sprites: 18 Major images, +4 if diagonal walking^ on

3D MUGEN with jump (Adventure forward scroller, ie Crash Bandicoot = 3D-like experience with 2D objects)
Longest Move:_____________Left/Right____________________________________(left to right)
Long Move:________________Forward/Backward______________________________(middle small/bottom large)
Short Move:_______________Jump up/land down_____________________________(top/bottom)
Combination:______________Jump Left/Jump Right__________________________(top and left/top and right)
Combination2:_____________Walk Diagonal (Forward/Backward & Left/Right)_(left/right + smaller/larger)
Difficulty: Moderate/Slight modification (Shoulder View on ground)
C) Number of Positions: 18* Major points, if screen is larger = more (minor points) positions
D) Number of different images/sprites: 18 Major images, +4 if diagonal walking^ on

3D Aerial MUGEN with rush (Space fighter= 3D dimension with 2D objects)
Longest Move:_____________Left/Right____________________________________(left to right)
Long Move:________________Up/Down_______________________________________(middle large/top medium, bottom medium)
Short Move:_______________Rush Forward/Land Back________________________(image size decreases)
Short Move2:______________Individually forwards frame___________________(character image unchanged, opponent image increase, background image unchanged
Combination:______________Rush Left/Rush Right__________________________(small to left/small to right)
Combination3:_____________Fly Diagonally (Left/Right + Up/Down)_________(images changes according to point)
Difficulty: Difficult/Large modification (Shoulder View in air)
E) Number of Positions: 18* Major points, if screen is larger = more (minor points) positions
F) Number of different images/sprites: 15 Major images

Comparison to Real 3D (ie Quake 3)
Number of Positions: infinite (turning in angles and looking at angles between points)

*If assume there are 3 major points (left,middle,right or forward,middle,back) in each major axis (not including short move which has only two: jump/land) in the 2D environment treated as a 3D.
^Image is 100% when character large, 70% when character medium, 50% when character small, 80% when character is moving diagonally to/from large size, 60% when character is moving diagonally to/from small size, Characters cannot walk diagonally directly (enters medium size) from small size to large size and vice versa.

A) (Character on RIGHT SIDE: forward/middle/back, forward jump/jump/back jump - Character on MIDDLE SIDE: forward/middle/back, forward jump/jump/back jump - Character on LEFT SIDE: forward/middle/back, forward jump/jump/back jump)
B) (Large character facing right in right side, Large character facing left in right side, Large character facing right jumping in right side, Large character facing left jumping in right side, Medium character facing right in middle side, Medium character facing left in middle side, Medium character facing right jumping in middle side, Medium character facing left jumping in middle side, Small character facing right in left side, Small character facing left in left side, Small character facing right jumping in left side, Small character facing left jumping in left side) + (semi-large character facing left, semi-large character facing right, semi-small character facing left, semi-small character facing right)
C) (Character on RIGHT SIDE: forward/middle/back, forward jump/jump/back jump - Character on MIDDLE SIDE: forward/middle/back, forward jump/jump/back jump - Character on LEFT SIDE: forward/middle/back, forward jump/jump/back jump)
D) (Large character facing right in backward side, Large character facing left in backward side, Large character facing right jumping in backward side, Large character facing left jumping in backward side, Medium character facing right in middle side, Medium character facing left in middle side, Medium character facing right jumping in middle side, Medium character facing left jumping in middle side, Small character facing right in forward side, Small character facing left in forward side, Small character facing right jumping in forward side, Small character facing left jumping in forward side) + (semi-large character facing left, semi-large character facing right, semi-small character facing left, semi-small character facing right)
E) (Character on RIGHT SIDE: top/middle/bottom, top rush/rush/bottom rush - Character on MIDDLE SIDE: top/middle/bottom, top rush/rush/bottom rush, - Character on LEFT SIDE: top/middle/bottom, top rush/rush/bottom rush)
F) Self-explanatory
This sounds sort or like reinventing the wheel, to some degree - you may want to take a look at things like OpenBOR (this being what immediatly sprung to mind when I read your post :P ), though that is 2D...
Oh I'm sorry. I have my net speed slowed down and cannot check the image.


Its just that 3D graphics don't seem that good on the hardware.
So I was pondering why not make a game that gives you the 3D interaction (without angles, just plains) by a 2D means (and limits).

And the whole point is to create something that others can use very easily to make there own game out of it.
Again, a FUBU approach to getting games on the Pandora ... ie Homebrew!
Kangal said:
Its just that 3D graphics don't seem that good on the hardware.
Quake 3 seems to run fine. You consider that not so good?

Sorry to say, but if I understand your concept correctly, I think it's a horrible idea. Feel free to implement it and prove me wrong though.
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First of all, MUGEN is closed source. I emailed the developers and they said they are not interested at the moment in porting their engine to other hardware.

Second, like Prometheus said, you're reinventing the wheel. There are tons of game engines that are out there that will eventually make their way to the Pandora. OpenBOR and Fenix are likely to be ported, and OpenZelda or Zelda Classic may make their way to the system eventually, as well.

Making a game engine is a lot harder and time consuming than you seem to think it is.

-God Ginrai
Oh I thought MUGEN was open sourced!

There are plenty of homebrew 2D fighter games based on MUGEN.
And I thought, due to the immense history and support a project like such would be fairly straightforward.
Thanks for the enlightenment Ginra

It is just that Quake 3 is awesome, and I don't like the any 3D games pre-dating it ... well lets face it, they are not as pretty!
Quake 3 achieves 13fps (paranormal figure there) on the demo.
If you think about it, when you have a larger map, more complex maps and more opponents on field ... there is much room for lag.
And I was actually hoping something like ZEQ could find its way on dual nubs.

I hope that the idea behind this "project" finds itself on another game engine.
I just hope that someone gifted here could make an official pandora game and provide people with enough resources for them to be creative and implement their own game. That would just be sweet and add variety.

King Kangal!
Kangal said:
Quake 3 achieves 13fps (paranormal figure there) on the demo.
You know that the demo cranks all settings on and as high as they go, right?
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I know that reopening old threads is generally frowned upon (and though this one isn't all THAT old, I'm still dropping the preempted disclaimer that I'm not looking to cause problems :P ) Has anyone considered any of the open-sourced MUGEN engine knockoffs like Shugoden? I know there's at least one other that basically rebuilt the MUGEN engine from scratch to open-source it or make it readily available for newer computer systems... just can't think of the other names atm...

EDIT: just found a couple other "options"... one known as OpenMugen, which has a sourceforge page ( ) and the other is called Kazama which also has a sourceforge page ( ) and IS linux compatible because I have it installed on my Arch Linux box... So even if we can't get the original MUGEN, there should be an alternative option that is plausible for the Pandora... and THAT would be the single-most reason for me to DEFINITELY buy a pandora (if I didn't already put my order in :P)... I'd still put like 3 more orders in so I could hook my friends up... since Kazama has Online capabilities (which should also work in-network :P)... SO... I think this is worth reviving. :D