Game Boy Gets The Advance Treatment


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Original Game Boy gets the Advance treatment courtesy of retro-loving modder


The original Game Boy will forever hold a special place in our hearts, but spend a few minutes squinting at an original model and you'll quickly realize that even nostalgia can't make up for that horrible green screen. That's been banished in this custom version, courtesy of modder CRTdrone, which features GBA SP internals housed in an original GB chassis. This gives it compatibility with Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and of course GBA games, along with a rechargeable battery and even working shoulder buttons inserted into the sides. All we have to go on at the moment is this picture plus a few comments from the man himself, but CRTdrone is promising full details of the mod are to come, which entails "just removing parts and re-wiring basically." They always make it sound so simple.


In my honest opinion, having the L & R buttons on the sides would feel a little uncomfortable.


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That's pretty awesome. I saw a GBC at Goodwill today. Was tempted. Did not take, however. Perhpas I should have so I could one-up this dude and convert it to a DS? :lol:
Brilliant work nonetheless.
If I were ever to do something like this, I'd probably want to mod it so that the L and R buttons were face buttons. I know it ruins the "purity" of it or whatever, but there are a few GBA games (fighters, especially) that would be well served by a change like that.
Ravnos said:
If I were ever to do something like this, I'd probably want to mod it so that the L and R buttons were face buttons. I know it ruins the "purity" of it or whatever, but there are a few GBA games (fighters, especially) that would be well served by a change like that.
SNES ports especially. For example, Super Mario Advance 2 (was it 2?) Yoshi's Island.
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