GAB releases a "Universal Comment Section" Extension


BFG 9000
Sep 6, 2016
Thought this was pretty interesting, the makers of that Gab site (free speech twitter clone) recently released a beta browser extension called "dissenter" that basically adds a popup comment section on any website.


Doesn't seem too bad but you need an invite code to make a gab account now which is pretty dumb imo. Never really used gab itself honestly since it's 95% just US based politics with no memes so eh.

So far in dissenter I can only find comments via other users from on homepages of big social sites, but more than often it's just people commenting "this site sUCKS!!!!!11 - use site X instead" etc.

It'll be interesting to see where this goes in the future, especially since sites like YouTube are gonna demonetise people based on what people comment now, meaning a lot of YouTubers are probably going to disable comments.

What do you all think of this?
Interesting concept, but I like to keep my internet "personas" apart. For example I like to have a different identity for my gaming-related activities and my other activities. So I don't like services that work across these personas. This is like I don't like to use Discord and would rather use IRC where I can connect to different servers and have different identities (and where the people who run the servers don't make money by using my personal data to make a consumer profile).
I swear this has been done before, I remember a Firefox plugin that did this in like the late 90s or early 2000s, but I search for it and I must have dreamed it up.

I think this is mainly for sites that either disable comments or don't have them. News sites are the worst, I read a news site, not even necessarily political sometimes tech or what not, and there is no comment section or it is for a small site that I don't want to register for. I think this is a good idea but the service would need to be through a non invite system. If this was separate from a twitter like service I don't think they'd need to worry about fake spam accounts.

If you could tag the category what your commenting about, like tech, travel, gaming, ect, and the main site could list all the comments listed by category it would be a good place to find interesting things. Click the comment and it would take you to the site to read. The more people using the service commenting on an article the more chance it would be to check it out.

I'm sure someone else will do this and do it right, it is a good idea. Someone needs to do a comment app for Netflix, drives me nuts how I can't see what others think about the show/movie.
I swear this has been done before, I remember a Firefox plugin that did this in like the late 90s or early 2000s, but I search for it and I must have dreamed it up
No, it did exist, but I can't think what it was called...
No, it did exist, but I can't think what it was called...
Yeah, I remember using it and I remember discovering youtube and it had it's own comments and I started commenting there and stopped using it. After that it seemed every site got comments and it just died.
Isn't that what twitter's for?
I think dissenter would work on netflix as it, unless it doesn't change the url when you click on a movie or something. Also apparently gabs opened the registrations so dissenters a bit more active now I noticed.