Full Gp2x Review

Classic Team

Jun 22, 2007
Oregon, US

Alright, its Classic Team, here to review the GP2X. Your probably thinking; "But he doesn’t have one....". Since two weeks ago; this has become A false statement. For my Birthday my parents bought me the GP2X. I paid for half, while they paid the other half. the Unit Value Pack was A total of $180, which came with some Bud headphones, A SD - to USB device, A Console Pouch, A Hand Strap, 4 Rechargeable batters (which your really going to use...) and A small, quick guide book. For another good amount of $$, (About 30) We also bought A Power Cord, and A Carrying Couch. It shipped in a little less than A week from the GP2X Store in California, and I was really impatient.

Okay, now that we got that down, now its time to talk about the Unit. Its got many Bells and Whistles, And its very stylish. On the top of the unit, we have the SD Card slot, the L and R triggers (there actually the best built buttons on the unit...) and A headphone jack. Now, before you start using that jack, DO NOT USE THE GP2X HEADPHONE WITH THE UNIT. I found this is why some of your unit's headphone jacks no longer work. You'll find yourself jamming the socket with the Headphone jack, and this is probably the cause. I suggest to use anything BUT the Headphone set that came with the unit, because the jack on those headphones are actually longer than they should be and don’t go in all the way (they come out easily, too.).

On the Right we have our DC outlet and our Small fire wire to USB socket. I highly suggest buying and using the DC cord when updating your Firmware, if not the batteries may die during updating; and there goes your GP2X. As for the USB, I rarely use it; unless I’m writing to the Internal memory. Otherwise, just another socket.

On the bottom there is A EXT port, used with accessories like the Interface Board or the TV Out cord. I don’t have either of those things, so I cant tell you anything about how good this works. But I might be able to say something later...

And, on the left, there’s out Power switch. I've noticed that after some time the button gets harder to move into A position. But, I’m not complaining. Nothing really much else to say about that.

In the back of the unit there’s the Battery compartment. Easy enough to say what its there for, put the Recharged batteries into the compartment and play as you please. Batteries can last anywhere form 3 hours (for running it all the time at 275 MHz...) to 7:00 (for running it as low as you can all the time....) but averaging about 5:30 hours on 2 batteries.

And lastly, in the front, we have the A, B, X, Y, Start, Select, Vol +, Vol -, along with the D-Pad going inward and in its usual angles; Not to mention the Screen... Anyhow, all the buttons work fine. There not perfectly measured, but this doesn’t seem to effect the game play at all.

All I can say is... fun fun fun fun fun. I like games such as Drill2X and Super tux. Also, I love using emulators like Pico drive, and FcUltra. But there’s so much more than that, your going to just have to look yourself.

OVERALL: I give the unit A 9.4 out of 10.0. Could always be better, but it will occupy my time for quite awhile...

~ Classic Team (Mygames19)
Classic Team said:
Your probubbly thinking; "But he doesint have one

No I was thinking your spelling is either absolutely terrible or just too damn fresh from the streets for a square like me to feel.

Thanks for the review anyway.
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Lawl, try typing with no light at midnight. Maybe than you'll understand. :P

Anyhow, I'm going to go into Word and I'm gonna spell check it. Keep your pants on.

EDIT: Spell check complete. Now it should be deemed good in your mind's eye. :P
Classic Team said:
Lawl, try typing with no light at midnight. Maybe than you'll understand. :P

Anyhow, I'm going to go into Word and I'm gonna spell check it. Keep your pants on.

EDIT: Spell check complete. Now it should be deemed good in your mind's eye. :P


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heh...still some homonym problems (spell checks mostly miss those) and i'm wondering why you capitalized every "a"...but it's still readable and the effort's appreciated. it's good that you enjoy your unit so much, i definitely enjoy mine.

i wish you talked a little bit more about the games though!
rokdcasbah said:
heh...still some homonym problems (spell checks mostly miss those) and i'm wondering why you capitalized every "a"...but it's still readable and the effort's appreciated. it's good that you enjoy your unit so much, i definitely enjoy mine.

i wish you talked a little bit more about the games though!
I am going to be writing a review of the GP2X and mine will be a little more critical. Mostly positive, but a fair amount of criticism. Like, why did they drop the gp32 joystick design, it's much better.

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Classic Team said:
It shipped in a little less than A week from the GP2X Store in California, and I was really impatient.
Did it actually take them a week to ship your order?
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Joshua B said:
Classic Team said:
It shipped in a little less than A week from the GP2X Store in California, and I was really impatient.
Did it actually take them a week to ship your order?

So anyway, mine shipped from the GP2X Store the day after I ordered it.
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