Fucked up castaway!


Apr 10, 2003
Zurich, Switzerland
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I'm not sure if it's a castaway problem, therefore I'm posting in General talk.

This evening I installed the new castaway version, and the Doom port with
Doom2 wad files. I tested both, Doom was working fine, and I wiped away
some not working STT images with the new castaway delete feature.
Afterwards I wanted to play some Dungeon Master, but my GP32 made a
reboot. Strange, I thought, are the batteries already empty? I changed the
batteries twice, just to be sure that I had new ones inside, but still: castaway
reboots. Then I tried other ST images and it was the same problem with all of

Since I couldn't remember, if I already managed to start a game with the new
version at all, I downgraded castaway to 7.1, the version that worked perfectly
before. No luck. I deleted Doom. No luck. There was nothing else on my SMC
but castaway, but just didn't want to work anymore.

Right now I'm rebooting the SMC and putting all ST images back up again. But
I would still want to know what the heck happened. Any ideas?
I hate to say it but it looks like CaSTaway; you wiped files with it and it had reports of SMC wiping.

- OR -

I hate to say it but it looks like Doom; according to Skeezix CaSTaway doesn't move around directories or do anything risky, and Doom's previous and disabled save code -did- wipe SMCs.

CaSTaway's save code is new, but the Doom improvements could have still left the bug. Who knows...

- Rico
I formatted my SMC and put everything back up again, but
it didn't work! GP32 still reboots when I try to load a game!

What the f**k could this be? I mean this time I didn't do
anything at all!
Could it be that my TOS file was damaged?

I copied it from SMC to HD before formatting, and then put it back afterwards,
since I deleted it from my PC some days ago.

It's probably corrupted... :unsure:


I downloaded a new TOS image and replaced the old one, and the problem
was solved. So if I did this before, this would probably saved me from
formatting my SMC, but I was too rash like always. So if anyone experiences
a similar problem, try this first!
I just found out that the delete functionality has a major bug.
I wasn't able to track it down, but I could reproduce a state where
when I tried to delete a file, the file one position above was
deleted. I did this until the file I wanted to delete originally was the
first item in the menu, then it was wiped.

So I wouldn't advise anybody to use the delete feature excessively,
until skeezix had a look at it. ;)
Interesting. So likely the original poster deleted the file right after his TOS.ROM, and thus the ST couldnt' fire up with no TOS to work with. An off-by-one error could exist, so I'll check it out asap. Expect an 8.1 tomorrow or monday for sure :)
