Front Light Kit


GP32 NumbNuts
Feb 19, 2003
I am really looking forward to getting one of these, been really jelous of everyone with a FLU GP32 and I can finally join in the fun.

No more squinting at the screen every evening :)

So who else is excited?

please don't let it just be me...
Nah, if it makes my GP32 look even cooler its worth it. B)

What I hope is that it will not Borg'ify it too much by being big n' clunky with wires everywhere.
Just what i have been waiting for for a long time :D :D :D

I like to have a couple of games before i go a kipp, But have to have the main light on :( (No bedside lamp) :( . So i have to get out of my nice comfy bed to turn the light off, Well not anymore. :D :D :D
If they're not too expensive (<£25?) I think I'll get one. I just hope the GP32 still fits in my new Logic3 Neoprene case that arrived this morning, it'll be a shame if it makes it too big... Does anyone know how it fits onto the unit?
AdamDawes posted on May 19 2003 said:
If they're not too expensive (<£25?) I think I'll get one. I just hope the GP32 still fits in my new Logic3 Neoprene case that arrived this morning, it'll be a shame if it makes it too big... Does anyone know how it fits onto the unit?
If i`m not mistaken, This is the front light unit that fits in to the GP32 ie, Internally under the exsiting GP32`s screen. So that the original GP32`s will end up just like the modified units craig and lik-sang keep selling out of.

Anyone correct me if i am wrong :unsure:
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I want to buy a flu kit and a gp32, so I don't have to deal with having a gp32 with dust under the screen.
I want to buy a flu kit and a gp32, so I don't have to deal with having a gp32 with dust under the screen.

If the guys who designed the FLU can't keep the dust out with their "trained professionals" and "clean room" you'll probably not fare any better :(
RobertG posted on May 19 2003 said:
I want to buy a flu kit and a gp32, so I don't have to deal with having a gp32 with dust under the screen.

If the guys who designed the FLU can't keep the dust out with their "trained professionals" and "clean room" you'll probably not fare any better :(
That`s if they use trained professionals and clean rooms :blink: :o :blink:
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I cant wait, no matter what the cost, i need it, need it more than i need some needfull stuff :blink:

Cmon Craig, get these kits in stock :P
man i cant weait for that kit. i originally wanted a backlit but found out they were like $200 so i just got the normal one. any gp32 is better than no gp32 at all ;). so i just cant wait. i hope it dousnt require like super complicated installation.

>wistful look at gp32<

I hope the new light won't have too much to do with installation and soldering etc, because I don't want to take a chance of ruin my GP32. Anyone feel the same?
zboy9 posted on May 20 2003 said:
I hope the new light won't have too much to do with installation and soldering etc, because I don't want to take a chance of ruin my GP32. Anyone feel the same?
Sure, but I rather take the time and install a proper internal frontlight instead of a piggyback solution as people are suggesting here. Dealing with the fragile LCD is no fun, but I really want a nice integrated FL, just like pre-installed. Only better ;)
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Does anybody have any details or pictures on the DIY kit yet? There has been lots of speculation, but no facts.

If they are due to be in stock this week, it looks like somebody should have seen one by now.
I would have to agree with you. I went to JoyGP today and yesterday, I didn't see any information on the new DIY unit. *Maybe I am not looking good enough* BUT I thinking this was falsified information. Afterall, if the informaiton is true, then JOYGP would have it on sale NOW! The info I read did say they would be in stock on May 20th.....who knows....???
I don't think any vendor is putting out any false information. They just don't know yet.

Though, if the kits are coming out today, maybe we can get some details soon...