Frodo beta 9 release

Great... finally a little update - maybe it's possible to map the "b"-button to up (very needed for Giana Sisters)

... also - remembered that I never found out what the "FrodoPC.fxe" is for.
Not quite, shotaway...

Music on Paradroid (if it even has music -not sure if it did- but currently it hisses static that finally goes away after 10 mins, leaving you with a tinitus style negative static that you can still hear! :huh: ). Doesn't stop me playing the game though!

The seminal Chuckie Egg (loads but doesn't play - locks immediately after drawing the playing screen :( )

And Denaris doesn't even load :( . Oddly the later Turrican (by the same author and another shooter does work). Not tried X-Out yet.

But there are so many damn fine games for the C-64, I don't miss these classics too much. :D

Frodo is a work of art!
there is a little more than just the button mappings.

I notice an option for .prg files - don't think we had this before ?
Also, you can load d64 or d64 using the same option - very handy.

And Denaris doesn't even load . Oddly the later Turrican (by the same author and another shooter does work). Not tried X-Out yet.

I can get denaris (or is it katakis) to work fine, maybe there's a duff version out there - someone else said they had problems with this. And I can't get turrican to work which is a real shame, but x-out does :)

The button mappings are great, especially for using a jump button- the d-pad is not the best for up-jumping. Just wish that the settings were saved

Glad to see frodo still getting the treatment,
