Frodo And Turrican Help For Newbie


Sep 19, 2004
Im using Frodo 12 and i was wondering whether anyone has managed to get turrican 1 2 3 to work or emlyn hughes international soccer to run.
Turrican 1 gets to the menu and i cant get any further.
Turrican 2 finishes the story but never gets past the loading logo
ive only had my gp32 a few days and im a big commodre fan so any help with frodo would be great cheers
Hi everyone
Turrican 2 - This works if you load the game with 1541 cpu emulation enabled - it may take some time but once you're in the game you can disable it and the levels will load nice n fast

Turrican 1 - I have dumped a savestate of this working and have the file you want, email me and I'll whack it over to you

welcome to the gp32 world btw :D