Wastelands and Frodo help.


sleep is for wimps
Jul 29, 2003
London Baby!
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Got wastelands always fancied playing it as kid but never had the luxury of disk drive. But it won't run :(

Does it run or have i just got a poor image... or am i doing something wrong..
I'm selecting emulate 1541 as i think tahts what you gotta do if its a multi disk.

Been struggling a bit with frodo only get a few things to run as its been 15 years since i have touched a C64 so my memories a bit jaded..

To get a tape game to run do you have type load whatever it was? ie LOAD "GAMENAME.T64"

With disk images i think its attach disk and then select run first program to run, as i seem to have managed to run a few disk games that way.

Heh and finally does Skooldaze run on Frodo

thats it
cheers :D
IIRC, Fallout was 'based' on Wastelands - it wasn't a direct sequel. I've never played it so I can't give any more info than that...

Wastelands from what I remember was one of the most difficult games to get working on PC emulators, back before the standard of emulation improved. It would be in the hardest 1% to emulate. I did read the specifics somewhere long ago, but there's many factors. The main one I can think of, is the game relied on writing to the disk. This saved things like what items or characters were where, who was dead, what you destroyed, etc. - so yeah, it won't work until disk writing does at least. After that, it does have nasty 1541 tricks in it anyways. That's one game you'll have to stick to playing on your PC I think...sorry.
Frodo is very good. BUT (and its a BIG but) my 2 fave C64 games won't run.

Bruce Lee and Paradroid :(

heres hoping for the next version :D
Actually, both Bruce and Paradroid work. :D

You need to use Frodo PC for Bruce Lee, and paradroid runs fine but with some white noise with sound.

I've found some versions of some games work, and others don't. You need to use trial and error.
Yeah - unfortunately Wasteland appears to be a complete no-go on GP Frodo. A real shame as it's one of the greatest games ever.

Still, even if you got it running you'd need to carry the paragraphs book with you :P

As for Bruce Lee and Paradroid - I've had no success there either. I'm not sure if it's down to the way the image loads (which appears to a problem common to some versions of Frodo) or the emulation itself.

One thing you could try (and I can't at the mo as I'm not on my PC), is loading them in Frodo PC and saving them as a snapshot, then loading that on GP Frodo. However, if these games are multiload (I can't remember if they are or not), you'll be scuppered.
i don't think any .t64 images work at all... frodo doesn't have %100 compatibility rate...
I've actually had quite a bit of success with .t64 images, just select using the T64 loader and choose 'run first program' (or press select) as usual. If you do <shift> <run stop> it has the same effect (this is how you used to load tape based games). I've found more tape images work than disk ones I've tried.

I'm interested in what Bohica said where you save a state on the pc version and copy it to the gp32, has anyone tried this? It would be ideal if it works.....


PS. skysnapper: use the Dir browser to load most disk games, then select the game using the corresponding letter on the virtual keyboard
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more offtopic, has anyone got the game exile to work properly ? the version ive got has some wierd graphical glitches when you play. its the only game ive tried that doesnt work properly that i really wanted to play when i was a kid :angry:
...just got home and tried the save state thing but as neomorphus said, it's not implemented at all so you can't do it. shame...

As for Exile, thats one I really wanted to work too, it loads fine but there are some major graphical glitches. I seem to remember similar problems even on the original hardware, but it seems playable and the inertia system still feels cooool. There used to be a demo version of it that didn't have these problems I believe

I've tried exile on Castaway also but it has some glitches as well.... anyone else tried it?
I've got a rom of Exile Preview which seems to be slightly better but still jerks alot when th screen moves :(
I tried using the frodopc file and most of the games now run :D

including Bruce Lee (yeah!!), Paradroid and another all time fave "Ghettoblaster" :D

Damn.. I need more SMC's :D