Thankszacaj said:Id like the source. Id like to find out how you did the physics.
Great Game. My dad is addicted to it, and he doesnt like any video games EVER except for tempest
I use Code::Blocks RC4, provided by Yaustar ( Open the cbp file and press Ctrl+F11 to recompile. To run it on windows, you must first compile it as x86 code (Build > Select Target > Release-x86) and then put all the resources (from the normal release) in the right place (like the DLLs from C:\MinGW\bin in the \Release folder and the font file, bitmaps and sounds in \Release\res).zacaj said:How would I compile it?
Why do you ask?Thunor said:Sebastian: can I enquire about the licences of the media that come with the binary :-
sample.ogg came from thefreesoundproject and is Creative Commons Sampling 1.0.
alpha04.ttf I believe came from, kostenlos (free of charge), licence unspecified (unknown).
What is the licence of game.bmp and logo.bmp which I guess you made? You can 'GPL 3.0' those if you want
What is the licence of the remaining snd_*.wav files?
I ask because the readme (thanks for the acknowledgementSebastian said:Why do you ask?
I've tried my best not to violate any authors' rights. If I (unintentionally) did, please notify me so I can correct the release.
Oh, and thanks for letting me know about the .gpe file. You're mentioned in the readme![]()
Thanks. Nice to see people are enjoying itflammablepiss said:Back to my comments at the start of this post...
I have been playing this more now and it really grows on you !
I think the game being so lite and minimal is part of its charm and what i said before is kinda pointless !
Also you already have a highscore feature, sorry about being a little dumb lol.
Lives are a cool idea though.
Was it on multi lives mode?zacaj said:22~!!