Freeware Scumm Game Availiable

rtfm, search the fucking forum, dont post useless stuff, dont double post. and so on...
Why the hell do you have to troll this board like this Vimacs.
Not everyone checks the site for releases of this sort or spends every living hour reading readmes.
It is not even Flame worthy.

Nobody can be assed to search the board or "even cares" if it has been posted before...

Your post was just as usual just a way for you to increase your post count again (I have said this before).

;) I just reported you as a troll (half joke)...
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Ok, sorry about all this posting. But I did read the manual. And BASS is in the
manual and it's saying it's supported. Hmmm.

About Recentness: The website where I discovered Flight of The Amazon Queen said it was released into freeware on Nov. 9. That was a lie apparently.

BTW: Ban Vimacs :p
rtfm, search the fucking forum, dont post useless stuff, dont double post. and so on...
This is pure ignorance; your snappy and abusive posts have become as redundant as the topics you reply to with them.

MI3 won't work surely, because the resolution of the game is too high. Sam and Max works as far as I know.

Sometimes GP32 compatiblity lists aren't easy to find, and copying a large SCUMM game (often with larger speech files) is an annoying hassle. Especially if it's been done before by someone on the forum who can answer your question.
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Nobody can be assed to search the board or "even cares" if it has been posted before...
WRONG, evryone should search before posting. if evryone would this board would much more usefull. couse you would see importent infomation/questions faster, there realy dont need to be multiple posts with the same question when the answer can be found within minutes.
and wat do you have against me? is it that i dont support it to be a lazy ass spammer?

btw, here is a quote from the readme:
This ALPHA version only supports the VGA LucasArts games (and then, only the ones that fit on an SMC obviously). The Simons and BASS are disabled in this build due to memory allocation issues that make them VERY unstable.
a search on the boards ->

this search & reading the manual didnt took me 5 minutes, so why the hell do someone have to open a thred for it?
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Vimcas, are you paying to host this site? Why are you so concerned about bandwith and 'wasteful topics' ?

Instead of flaming, try ignoring.

(damn ... I should follow my own advice) :D