Free Gp2x Stand For Movies

i think if vic20-ian wants to be a guru
he send elastic bands to everyone as a bribe.
Damn! Now you reallllly need to offer up a service for a small fee. That's just too complex a design to try and duplicate.
pantera6 posted on Apr 17 2006 at 04:50 PM said:
i think if vic20-ian wants to be a guru
he send elastic bands to everyone as a bribe.

If I get Guru I'll drive down to Leamington from Coventry and deliver the mod to you in person :)
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WOW someone who lives in warwickshire and owns a gp2x. nice one
cov's a cool place. i take it your going to the fair this week in cov. Itll end up turning into a huge riot. Cov's a funny place loadsa goths and loadsa chavs. :ph34r:
Guyfawkes posted on Apr 17 2006 at 04:56 PM said:
Came up with an alternative desktop stand called the Matchstick Mod. More info and photos at

For the non smokers among us try reversing the cover as per the first post and then upending the cover so that the curved surface now rests where the lug used to be and secure with adhesive tape. It works but haven't tested it for stability over time.

A big ball of blu tack formed into a wedge was going to be my next attempt.

Both of these give an increased tilt but are at risk of sticky residues (no I am not referring to the using the GP2x in the Bathroom thread) :lol:

I like the first one best - it was the most elegant.
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A paper clip is usually a thing easy enough to find laying around an office, classroom, or even at home.

If you bend it just right, they make pretty handy stands for your GP2X and are customizable to the angle at which you wish it to sit.

You can make a paper clip stands by the handful. Leave one at home and one at the office. :D

I do like the idea of using the batter cover, though.

What happened to the Allen key mod?

And I can't do this with my crappy small batteries (although they do add "shock reboot response")