Forum Suggestion: +Quote, Quick Reply, and Post Merging


Jacob Godserv
Sep 13, 2007
There are three features that I used extensively, and would make my life so much easier around here:

  • +Quote: If I see two arguments in two separate posts, it would be nice if I didn't have to open two new reply windows just so I can copy and paste the BBCode of one into the reply I'm writing in the other. It also saves what I clicked if I keep flipping through pages, so that I can make sure no one else responded first, but still have that particular post saved away for replying to later.
  • Quick Reply: Self-explanatory. Really nice. :P
  • Post Merging: At first annoying, but if you find you forgot to reply to someone, or want to add another bit of detail, this makes it all the more easier. (Plus, it keeps people from needlessly writing two posts next to each other when they could've edited the first.)

Of course, if this forum is only temporary, it may not make sense to exert a lot of effort into installing/implementing these features.
javaJake said:
There are three features that I used extensively, and would make my life so much easier around here:

  • +Quote: If I see two arguments in two separate posts, it would be nice if I didn't have to open two new reply windows just so I can copy and paste the BBCode of one into the reply I'm writing in the other. It also saves what I clicked if I keep flipping through pages, so that I can make sure no one else responded first, but still have that particular post saved away for replying to later.
  • Quick Reply: Self-explanatory. Really nice. :P


javaJake said:
  • Post Merging: At first annoying, but if you find you forgot to reply to someone, or want to add another bit of detail, this makes it all the more easier. (Plus, it keeps people from needlessly writing two posts next to each other when they could've edited the first.)

Why can't users just use the "edit" button? That's what I always used; I still do.

-God Ginrai
I've just discovered you can add quotes to your reply, while replying, by browsing the topic review underneath the submit buttons and clicking the 'quote' button by each post.

It gets added to the bottom of the reply window

gp32rich said:
I've just discovered you can add quotes to your reply, while replying, by browsing the topic review underneath the submit buttons and clicking the 'quote' button by each post.

It gets added to the bottom of the reply window

Works nicely too. I noticed you can only have 3 nested quotes. And signature is limited to 255 characters. Some plus points, some minuses.
too bad most of the mods suck and are designed for stupid features that forums don't need rather than actual practical ones.
unfortunately true.

But there _ARE_ quick reply hacks. I don't know about post merging...
gp32rich said:
I've just discovered you can add quotes to your reply, while replying, by browsing the topic review underneath the submit buttons and clicking the 'quote' button by each post.

It gets added to the bottom of the reply window

Great, thanks! :)

Edit: Then again, it still doesn't cover the ability to quote from posts more than 5 or 10 back.