Forum Laaaag


Mega GP Mania
May 24, 2008
Does anyone else notice that sometimes the forum becomes totally unresponsive for several minutes at a time? I don't mean the server times out or anything obvious like that, I mean you click a link, and it says waiting for server, and it acts like it's loading, and loading, and loading, and loading, for several minutes but doesn't actually seem to get anywhere. I've clicked a topic, noted that it wasn't coming up immediately, gone for a shower, come back, and it was still saying "waiting for ...". A few minutes after that, it finally comes up. Sometimes it'll happen when posting, and when it finally completes, I see my post 2 (and in one case, 3) times.
This happens both at home (based out of Toronto) and at work (which proxies through New York), so I'm reasonably certain it isn't my computer or my ISP.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, or am I the crazy one?
Oh shit I thought I was the only one. This happens to me a lot, and it's not an internet issue because I can internets really fast and all other websites work well.
It seems that ED did something to the servers again. Before, and went unresponsive at the same time and now stays responsive most of the time but the lags got worse. It's a bit annoying and irritating. Most of the time there are less than 200 users online, the server is certainly not overloaded. ED mentioned a problem with caching or some such, IIRC.
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Gruso said:
Pfft, only noobs blame lag. Try to strafe your posts diagonally in front of the topic. Or just run around mashing buttons and hope for the best.
Nice. :lol:
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I cannot actually view the forum index page anymore and have to visit the "Other stuff" section of the forums via either bookmark or Google. I should mention that this is only an issue with my account however as other users don't have the problem and the main page loads if I log out :S.
I'm pretty sure it's related to IPB... sometimes, it's only the GP32x boards that are slow, my other sites work fine.
Sometimes it's the whole server.

I just found out in the admin account that there are regular jobs that clean up the database, etc. of

Might be related to that.
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