Release Forget Me Not - Updated to v2.0 on the Repo


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Oct 12, 2010
Hi all -

After the lengthy shenanigans which resulted in my acquiring a bouncing baby boy, I've finally found time to update FMN.

You can get it on the Repo:

So what's new?

Well, frameskip is a big addition - even non-chunky, maximum size maps run well now, comparable to the iOS version. Nyarla added a new mode - Arena. This one is a single map (no level changes), with masses of enemies of all types - see how long you can last. Occasionally the flowers will be replaced, so just keep going. It's harder than it sounds :)

Added bugfixes of my own and a few enhancements, along with the gameplay tweaks that Nyarla added to the latest iteration.

I don't plan on doing much more with this apart from a nicer menu system, and fixing bugs as they occur.


Awesome stuff Dunny, I'm really enjoying V2.0.

Plays really well on the big maps, just a shame that I don't. :P

Looking forward to getting to grips with Arena mode.
I've noticed that it tends to choke on really big maps (non-chunky mode) when a lot of bombs have destroyed large sections of the maze - I think my frameskip code starts to get confused, though I don't see how it can. The game was never designed to play on maps that large, so that may have something to do with it :)


Your biggest fan here. FMN in new kernel seems jumpy sometimes, especially when grinding. Weird bug today in exp. kernel, beta 2, while in a challenging stage, I had my 2nd Player appear with over 1600000 pts counting backwards. He had infinite lives but score kept counting backwards. Old kernel seems clean, am I tripping?

Your biggest fan here. FMN in new kernel seems jumpy sometimes, especially when grinding. Weird bug today in exp. kernel, beta 2, while in a challenging stage, I had my 2nd Player appear with over 1600000 pts counting backwards. He had infinite lives but score kept counting backwards. Old kernel seems clean, am I tripping?

Woah! Yeah, you're off your trolley, mate :)

I'll look into it when there's a stable experimental kernel available. Can't think of anything offhand that would cause that - certainly not in my wrapper code, must be in FMN itself. Likely an experimental kernel bug, I'll keep an eye on that one if I install that kernel again at all.

This is excellent. Great job on the port Dunny - well done.

Congrats on D Jnr :D You getting a proper sleep yet?
Has anyone else had luck with sleeping the Pandora with FMN running? Every time I do it, FMN fails to come back on, and it's fullscreen and I can't Alt-Tab away and I wind up holding the power button to reset.
Has anyone else had luck with sleeping the Pandora with FMN running? Every time I do it, FMN fails to come back on, and it's fullscreen and I can't Alt-Tab away and I wind up holding the power button to reset.

with BrainParty happens the same, the music plays and the game seems working but it has no focus and I didn't found a way to close it without reboot...

maybe is the sleep mode that change focus after wake ?
Anyone notice how much more difficult this has got under the new Beta5a of Super Zaxxon? It was sluggish up through Beta 4, but now when the lights go out, things get FAST.
On the old firmware we struggled to get up to 60fps, so I never bothered to add a frame-limiter :-)

I'll get it added and upload a new version in the next few days after I've finished my night shifts!
