Forget Me Not (beta) for Open Pandora on YouTube

Jan 27, 2009
There were some suggestions for some new videos. I decided to fire up my Go Pro in chest mount and see how still I could remain while playing Forget Me Not. Apologize the video jumps around at places, but I'm only human.

In case Dunny decides to enter this in the competition, I want to put it out there that the version I'm playing is a beta test (released prior to competition announcement) build. The zero life reading is no hackery on my part, its an enigma. I would really love to know how many lives I have while playing :)

It was a 20 minute game, YouTube restricts video to 10 minutes, so I left out the beginning. Please support the musician if you like the music. If you like the game, support Nyarlu Labs by buying it for the iOS or donating via PayPal to this email address:


click above for FREE PC/MAC version

click above for iOS/iPhone/iPad/iPod $1.99

Open Pandora .PND Format Download here:

And finally, the video: Enjoy!
The game looks like fun but I hate the music you put under it! :P

Thanks anyway, it's always fun to see more games played on a Pandora.
Link, I'll look at getting your lives counter fixed this weekend and then might release this current beta as an intermediate update. I'm still going through the mill with the family at the moment, and things will pretty much all come to a head on monday or tuesday - after which I'll have either no time to code or be too depressed to do any at all :)

The game looks like fun but I hate the music you put under it! :P

Guess you're not a Tool fan. If I do a VVVVV video, there will be no other music. Camera will hopefully be more steady as the grinding motions caused this video to jump around.

You can avoid the 10min limit by activating your account.

I will try this. Thanks for the heads up.

- after which I'll have either no time to code :)


I'm hoping you're going to have no time to code. Take your time time with those that mean the most to you. This is all just 0s and 1s, and really not important in the grand scheme of the world.
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