For those who are going to the British meet-up...

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
Visit site
I'm wondering what the ages are for those who are actually going to the British Meet-up or at least thinking of going, because I cant help feeling too young to come although I'm actually 17 <_< (Maybe it's just the fact that my mum doesnt want me to go to Bath, I live in Scotland... :()
Most of all are actually around that age. I'm 17 as well. It will be so fun, I can't wait. Tell you're mom we're all responsible people, it's not going to be some sort of wild rave party... :)
zimba posted on Aug 14 2003 said:
It will be so fun, I can't wait. Tell you're mom we're all responsible people, it's not going to be some sort of wild rave party... :)
My mum's all fussy since it's somewhere far from here and she's always being so over-protective about me from going long distances, it restricts my freedom to go where I want, and rarely do I ask her I want to go someplace so I was hoping I'd be granted the oppertunity to go to Bath just for this meet-up :(

I've tried talking to her earlier before I posted, and she said all sorts of things to me, half of them I found silly. (like that it could be a mass-murder scheme just to lure people into the venue just to kill them.. pile o' crap to me <_< ). She also said that it could take 6 hours by train and it could cost quite a bit, but I'm willing to get up 5:30am in the morning and pay whatever it costs there and back!

Well, I could try tell her that you are responsible people (and I already knew you'd be, this is a great community I am glad to be part of an' all), but in the end of the day I might not be able to come.. :unsure:
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"Several members of a cult commited suicide today, the police believe they were part of a cult worshipping a small korean gaming device known as the GP32. The police belives that the strange images apperaring on the screen might be the cause for this tragedy. The Korean company Gamepark has no comments."
You should do what you can - show her Axemans site - make sure she knows exactly when you'll be home, and where you will be. Also make sure you have a cell phone with you so you can call her/she can call you.

Hope to see ya there...
lol kraahl..

Anyways, I'll try show her the website and do what I can to allow her to let me go, I do have a mobile (although I dont really call people from it that much) so I can take it with me so she can call me <_<

I havent been reading posts about the british meet-up so i dunno any specific details of what's going on, although I know what time and place it is held. Can anyone fill me in on what good stuff there is to look forward to that I may not know of? :)
We've got no intention of indulging in mass murder! Hmmm - the RUmmer pub wouldn;t be the best place to do it if we were :p

I'm sure the landlord wouldn't mind about u-18s coming in, as it will be a private function. The age range seems to be quite wide, so I dont think you'll be out of place...

Where are you coming from? Maybe someone could travel with you? or maybe you could meet up with another board memeber before coming down?

It's going to be a very informal thing, and people will be coming and going according to their arrangements.

I hope your Mum can trust us, as as far as I can seem we're all a just a bunch of friendly people interested in the same subject. I mean, we've got a definite time and date, so she'll know exactly where you are... I think if anythign untoward were planned, then the biggest GP32 message board on the web wouldn;t be the place to arrange it!

Anyway - I hope you can make it - Bath is a great town, and has plenty to see even if you haven't got a bunch of retro gamers to meet up with!

Finally, you should compare it with sports.. Explain to her that it would be like you were really interested in football/soccer/tennis/golf and you wanted to meet up with your other team mates to talk tactics, teams and rosters.. It's essentially the same thing - although we're nerds...
I'm from Scotland too (Aberdeen home/Edinburgh uni) but I'm not going because last time I went to Bath it cost > £60 :(

BTW I'm 19 but since I'm not going it doesn't count.
taras posted on Aug 14 2003 said:
I'm from Scotland too (Aberdeen home/Edinburgh uni) but I'm not going because last time I went to Bath it cost > £60 :(

BTW I'm 19 but since I'm not going it doesn't count.
What the!
Thats extreme!
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Well I am going to be there and I'm a 37 year old father of two (Not bringing the kids though-they only 6 and 9).So if yer mum is thinking its just going to be a bunch of kids,there will be a few (fairly) responsable adult around.

P.S.How did she figure out the killing bit????I thought it was secret. ;)
I've just shown her the website and details (and the map included), she still seems uncertain..

She also said that maybe I'd take someone with me, but what are the chances of my brother coming with me just for this? He's probably got other things to do than hang out with me (as usual), and I dont have any friends I could ask to come. :(

I could meet up with a particular member from the board though so I know where I am, maybe that'd work out better.. if anyone would want to volunteer to meet me at someplace outside the venue first or something

Also I am from Glasgow, and I have plenty of money in my bank to make more than enough for travel costs (thank god for school bursery ;)) I hope to come but she is still unsure about the whole thing, I wish she could trust that it's safe enough for even me to go to :(
If anyone will volounteer to meet Kirby at the station, that'd be cool. I may be able to do it depending on the time you arrive, but I also need to be at the venue to meet people as they arrive.

Zimba's 17, and he's coming all the way from Denmark! Crazy man :D

Well... it is of course up to your mum in the end, but I hope she can trust us enough to let you come, as it should be a good day.

Hope everything turns out ok,m and in the ned,m if you can;t make it, then you;ve always got the meet-up report to look forward to :D

Totally offtopic, but I just don't understand over-protective parents. I mean, when I was 17, that's when I moved out on my own. You should tell your mother that she's lucky that you still live at home, and that by trying to keep you close, it's actually making you want to leave more. Even if that's a bunch of bullshit, maybe it'll convince her to calm down a few notches. :p
I'm coming by car.Anyone living in bath know if there's any B&B's I could use cause me gonna b drinking.location close to venue and prices would be appreciated.