For Sale: Gp2x Mk2 4gb Sd Card And Opened Ps2 Slim.


Sep 12, 2005
GP2X $150
4GB SD $50
PS2 Slim w/ Swap Magic $120

With the PS2 it has been opened but that is because you have to tap down the buttons that tell the system it has been opened or closed for use with Swap Magic. I am also willing to do trades

GP2X or PS2 for a Firmware 2.71 PSP that is not a TA-82

GP2X w/ 4GB SD Card for aformentioned PSP and a 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo

If a trade is done I will require the PSP to be sent to me first so I can make sure it isnt a TA-82 and that it is of a firmware no higher then 2.71 and of course that it is not bricker. As soon as this is done I will send the GP2X or PS2.
Yeah, I'm interested in the gp2x + 4gb sd card.
I'm from Belgium, how much would (secured) shipping be?

Stupid question probably, but is there anything wrong with the gp2x? Why'd you want to sell it in the first place? :P
Idk about the secured shipping but all shipping will of course be paid for by the buyer nothing wrong with the GP2X just idk Im not that into games anymore. And Ive very rarely in a situation where I am on the go and have a chance to play a game. Plus I got a Zune (Microsoft MP3 player) so that takes care of my video needs.

It is a MK2 too (dont think I mentioned that). All payments will go through PayPal for me and the other party involved security. If you want Pics I can make some.

If anyone wants to talk to me about it im:

AIM: icantillcu

We can discuss shipping methods and finalize a price there.