

Active Member
Dec 15, 2003

today my FLU-unit seemed to be broken. the light is flickering and the light is less intensiv than before. i read of this prob before, but i can't remeber, how to solve it.
i don't think, it's a loose connection, because by shaking it or hitting it quite softly, there isn't any change.

does anyone know, how to fix it?
Have you tried fresh batteries?
It may be a dumb question, but once I freaked out when my screen started bugging out, graphics glitches, etc. Turned out My batteries were dead.
Did you try replacing the batteries? :)

Otherwise the "solution" was for flu's that dont turn on at all, and that was to let it sit for 10-20 minutes and the flu will turn back on. HOWEVER that is not recommended at all, because the units with faulty flu's that do that, will eventually go out permanently so you should return it to where you got it and get a replacement.

I would check your batteries first! :)

Edit: TelcoLou you got to it before me!
I had this problem and eventually it stopped altogether, u need to contact who got it from and get it replaced or repaired, if u got it from GBAX u shud have no problems as they were excellent in sorting out my problem!
However...there are two problems that arise from doing something like that.

First, they may not have any in stock at the moment (the whole low on GP32 stock thing...)

Second, if you didnt get a Turbo Charged GP32 from GBAX, then you risk your replacement not OC to 166 (this is assuming your current GP32 OC's to 166...)

On the other hand...if your GP32 _doesnt_ OC to 166, you run the chance of getting one that _does_ OC to 166...
yes, of course i tried fresh batteries.
this prob occureed some weeks oga, but only fpr a few seconds, now it seems to be permanent.
i can't give it back, because i bought it in a little import-shop in germany and because they just import it, it has no warrenty and i really dont think tosend it to korea....

but my question is, what exactly is the problem (my gp is from october03) with the FLU? i would like to fix it myself, but before i start "trial and error" i wanted to ask, if someone did it before....
i also have an afterburner unit from the gba, maybe, if the light itself broke, i can combine them...
The light itself should be pretty similar if not the exact same. The only difference with the GP32 flu is the size of the "flu".

Personally, first I would check to see if the wires are still connected, and that they are nice clean connections.

Then I would take a volt meter and make sure you have a good hot and more importantly, a good ground, (if you had a bad hot, it would probably just not work..., but a bad ground may cause undesired results).

If all looks dandy, I would get replacement wires, carefully remove the old wires and put new wires on (maybe some microscopic short in the wire...).

If that failed, I would hook the AfterBurner kit up to the hot and ground that the GP32 flu is hooked up to, and see if the afterburner kit lights up perfectly. If so, its probably your flu unit and you should try to rig something up with parts of the flu and parts of the afterburner kit.

Or, if you are of a mind to skip all all that, just go directly to making a afterburner rig with your flu parts.
The Afterburner won't work with the GP32.

The light strip isn't bright enough to light the light guide .

The GP32 light strip has more and brighter LED's.
jonjandran posted on Apr 6 2004 at 07:56 AM said:
The Afterburner won't work with the GP32.

The light strip isn't bright enough to light the light guide .

The GP32 light strip has more and brighter LED's.
ummmm, my diy gp32 flu has the afterburner lightstrip... ;) it IS a little dark tho...
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Are you using rechargeable batteries ?
If so it might be the problem
no, i used rechargable batteries since i got it in october and never had problems with them (2000mA). they last actually much longer than normal batteries...

otherwise, even low batteries couldn't explain the flickering. it turns randomly from very bright to very dark...
nerd of nerds posted on Apr 6 2004 at 03:31 PM said:
jonjandran posted on Apr 6 2004 at 07:56 AM said:
The Afterburner won't work with the GP32.

The light strip isn't bright enough to light the light guide .

The GP32 light strip has more and brighter LED's.
ummmm, my diy gp32 flu has the afterburner lightstrip... ;) it IS a little dark tho...
Uh isn't that what I said ?

It's not bright enough. :P
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