Floppy disk labels for SD cards?

The smell of old computers mainly comes from dust burning on the transformer, I suspect.  With discs it's all about the noise: CHRRK, CHRRK.....CHRRK, whuppa whuppa whuppa TICK whuppa whuppa TICK.
There are a few with specific smells, even (or especially) when off. I have a few 48k ZX Spectrums that are still new in box - the series 2 in particular has a smell that is unmistakeable. Have tested this effect on several former Speccy owners, all immediately identified it! Must be a combo effect of Rubber, Manual and PCB chemicals. Maybe Clive's aftershave.

Drive noises.. on the Atari ST some of us could tell what was loading quite often. I think I could still identify Carrier Command within seconds.. Whirrrr..Chrrk..Tick Tickketa Ticketta Ticketta...Chrrrk (pause)

Another suitable rectangular label and SD reader mini replica would be a Commodore CDTV or original Amiga CD-Rom drive, as the CDs were in rectangular caddies..

Label title on the 'CD' part.
Damn, the level of geekiness here IS OVER 9000 !!!! :o

I wasn't prepared for this...

Should be not too difficult to print them on adhesive paper and cut them by hand... just take a floppy image from google, resize it and fill the paper with those
Another suitable rectangular label and SD reader mini replica would be a Commodore CDTV or original Amiga CD-Rom drive, as the CDs were in rectangular caddies..

Label title on the 'CD' part.
I forgot about CDs in caddies even though I was thinking about them a month or two ago.  I don't have the same personal attachment to them as I do to floppies since I only used them for a short time and limited reasons in a school/library or two.  One time was an encyclopedia I used.  Labels like this will need to be in color.