Fleshchasmer One English Text Correction

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I'm little bothered recieving PM's and posts about my bad english
Since I'm ready to release correct DPAD support (with diagonals) I'm also think to correct the english text as well in new release

I'm posting almost all of dialogue text (!here goes spoilers!)
Please post corrected parts/or/full array with some "improvements" that leads to neat english as it is need to be

I'll sure add all nicknames of whose helped to credits

Just try not to make string very much longer that it was in original(or longer that is max char string in this array) ;)

Any help will be welcome

const char zdialogs[184][48]=
"There are comes more of them!",
"What have just happend?!!",
"I'm feel so really bad!",
"My stomach!!!",
"Something moving inside my guts!",
"My throat is burning...",
"We are the...",
"... we are the HUNTRESS!..",
"Time to you to die, witch!",
"Come to wherether you came from!",
"Oh! Where that monster?",
"I won't let her live that easily!",
"Huh? Another Spiritual attack?",
"Anyway this forest is not real!",
"Whoether do this did this",
"to stop me...",
"Who are there?!!",
"Name yourself, witch!",
"You know I wasn't asking for memo to",
"be written on your tombstone...heh?",
"Mortal, you was disturbing our",
"progress for a quite long time...",
"This is a time to end our sorrow.",
"Your heart is on fire, but not mind.",
"Keep this for your diary, whore!",
"I gonna put the end to all of you!",

"Get away from him, you pesty spider!",
"... Halobane, it is realy you?..",
"Year, me. I thought you were dead.",
"You look ugly.",
"Are the things really are so bad?",
"Even more ugly than a ratman",
"that squashed by a tank!",
"I have no time for plastic surgery",
"I need to get proper healing fast...",
"You realy can walk?",
"I know no cure nor spell nor item.",
"We will reach the summoning",
"chamber... <cough> ...",
"Ok. I'll try keep monsters at",
"some distance from you.",
"Only chance to get that thing",
"out from me is there...",
"I will summon 'Code88'",
"He is why we all came here.",
"Blessing of cleasing are",
"his prime ability...",
"How we will communicate with",
"this fabled God Of Genocide?",
"I will be ...a host for his",
"Summoning chamber just behind",
"this corner...",

"...By meditation I usually",//60
"refer to the combat training...",

"I feel the power of this place!",
"... it should be summoning hall!",
"Just will it work or not?",
"I do not believe in that stuff...",
"Here I go!",
"The ocean of flame take mine...",
"Take my flesh...",
"It smells more nasty when cooked...",
"... but I will not eat you...",
"... he is inside of me...",
"Ahh. This pityfully world again",
"I feel the presence of my enemy",
"Leave me alone, mortal one!",
"I need time to ... to meditate...",
"As you wish...",
"Take this knife and pistol.",
"I will not dishonour...",//82
"... you as the God Of Genocide!",

"You are alive? I killed you both...",
"You and her! This cannot be!!",
"The truth is you cannot really",
"kill a living creature...",
"You mean I hopeless?",
"I was stupid to bother you...",
"I'm here to finish what",
"you were unable to complete",
"Let's then go!",
"I'll slice this veins to the ground!",
"This is a vein of her sister",
"These witches are both here",
"This path leads to the surface",
"Do not wait for me, farewell!",
"Welcome to the Gobin Trader",//50
"Wares for your war, customer!",

"Yebat v rot moyu mamochku!",//51
"Pizda hana tvoei parashe!",
"Ha-Ha-Ha! You won't get me!",//52
"You stupid russian pigs!",
"Stoi, HueVaffleSos!",//53
"Huyeplet pizda nam vsem",
"Cho esho zo afftor? Nizachot!..",//54
"Telogreika tebe!",
"Hi there! My name is Vurlach",//55
"I'm the Wall Guardian here",
"As I see many walls",//56
"Which one you guarding?",
"Ahh... <giggle>",//57
"The one around this enclave",
"Without nuclear weapons and",//58
"aircraft they are so pathetic",
"There many of them in next cave!",//59
"I hate to have my hands dirty...",
"Take this invisiblity potion",//60
"Then reach my truck outside!",
"Ok. Time to leave this place",//61

"Stop your transport unit here",//62
"It is where I get off",
"I entrust command to you",//63
"As would Tsis Auq do that",
"Besides, what you forgot here?",//64
"Tolkien fans are owe this land!",
"Did you hear about relic",//65
"they worship in their temple?",
"You mean 'Phallos of Elbereth'?",//66
"I do not know so much...",
"It is a great rocket launcher",//67
"I will venture in to obtain it",
"Wait! Take this machine gun!",//68
"It will aid thine quest!",
"This gate requires a key...",//69
"...where could be a one???",
"Hey you! In the name of Elbereth!",//70
"Give us all of your rupees NOW!",
"Yahh! The Lord Of Rockets!",//71
"For virtue ... Come to my hands",
"Taste my lust of genocide!",//72
"Your sister comes next!",

"Ei! Muzjiki! A ya toka chto",//73
"podrachil na fotku prezidenta!",
"Ya konchil emu mezdu glaz!",//74
"Jalko chto chibi-Putin 2 podoh :(",
"<radio>Good Luck! They have big",//75
"amounts of zombie lurking at streets!",
"<radio>SaintTeeth is currently ",//76
"near red square. There many of them!",
"<radio>They moving to your position",//77
"Be careful!",
"I shold really care more...",//78
"...care them to die!",
"<radio> Attention! Hurry up!",//79
"I see many tanks entering the city!",
"<radio> I see her lair from here!",//80
"I will be scouting the sector around!",

"<radio> ...I repeat massive zombie",//81
"movement detected...",
"It... cannot be... WHY?",
"I'm on my path to place where",//83
"you will never get me, whores!",
"You are too content for a eaten man",//84
"...I sense the parasite in you",
"... I ... I just cannot take it",//85
"... anymore...",
"... I ... want evrything",//86
"... to disseapear!..",
"I came to you, bitch!",//87
"Now I will come on you!",
"Your existance is doomed",//88
"I will release myself!!!",
"Now I can go back...",//89
"What the hell just happend???",//90
"It is last time I buying loot",//91
"from you, ugly creature!",
"Shit... game engine prohibites me",//92
"from raising prices...",

I did the best I could. Here you go:

const char zdialogs[184][48]=
"There comes more of them!",
"What just happened?!!",
"I feel so very bad!",
"My stomach!!!",
"Something's moving inside my guts!",
"My throat is burning...",
"We are the...",
"... we are the HUNTRESSES!..",
"Time for you to die, witch!",
"Go back to wherever you came from!", (not sure about this one)
"Oh! Where's that monster?",
"I won't let her live that easily!",
"Huh? Another Spiritual attack?",
"Anyway this forest is not real!",
"Whoever did that did this also", (not sure about this one either)
"to stop me...",
"Who is there?!!",
"Name yourself, witch!",
"You know I wasn't asking for memo to", (i have no idea what you mean here)
"be written on your tombstone...heh?",
"Mortal, you were disturbing our",
"progress for quite a long time...",
"This is a time to end our sorrow.",
"Your heart is on fire, but not your mind.",
"Keep this for your diary, whore!",
"I'm gonna put the end to all of you!",

"Get away from him, you pesky spider!",
"... Halobane, it is really you?..",
"Yeah, it's me. I thought you were dead.",
"Your face is messed up.", (I think that's the best way to put it heh)
"Is it really so bad?",
"Even more ugly than a ratman",
"that was squashed by a tank!",
"I have no time for plastic surgery",
"I need to get a proper healing fast...",
"You really can walk?",
"I know no cure nor spell nor item.",
"We will reach the summoning",
"chamber... <cough> ...",
"Ok. I'll try to keep the monsters at",
"some distance from you.",
"The only chance to get that thing",
"out from me is in there...",
"I will summon 'Code88'",
"He is why we all came here.",
"A cleansing blessing is",
"his prime ability...",
"How we will communicate with",
"this fabled God Of Genocide?",
"I will be ...a host for his",
"The summoning chamber is just behind",
"this corner...",

"...By meditation I usually",//60
"mean combat training...",

"I feel the power of this place!",
"... this should be the summoning chamber!",
"So will it work or not?",
"I do not believe in that stuff...",
"Here I go!",
"Ocean of flame take me...",
"Take my flesh...",
"You smell more nasty when cooked...",
"... but I will not eat you...",
"... he is inside of me...",
"Ahh. To be in this pitiful world again.",
"I feel the presence of my enemy",
"Leave me alone, mortal one!",
"I need time to ... to meditate...",
"As you wish...",
"Take this knife and pistol.",
"I will not dishonour...",//82
"... you as the God Of Genocide!",

"You are alive? I killed you both...",
"You and her! This cannot be!!",
"The truth is you cannot really",
"kill a living creature...",
"You mean it's hopeless?",
"I was stupid to bother you...",
"I'm here to finish what",
"you were unable to complete",
"Let's go!",
"I'll slice these veins to the ground!", (not sure if you meant to do plural or not)
"This is a vein of her sister",
"The witches are both here",
"This path leads to the surface",
"Do not wait for me, farewell!",
"Welcome to the Gobin Trader",//50
"I have the wares for your war!", (or should it be we?)

"Yebat v rot moyu mamochku!",//51
"Pizda hana tvoei parashe!",
"Ha-Ha-Ha! You won't get me!",//52
"You stupid Russian pigs!",
"Stoi, HueVaffleSos!",//53
"Huyeplet pizda nam vsem",
"Cho esho zo afftor? Nizachot!..",//54
"Telogreika tebe!",
"Hi there! My name is Vurlach",//55
"I'm the Wall Guardian here",
"As I see many walls",//56
"Which one are you guarding?",
"Ahh... <giggle>",//57
"The one around this enclave",
"Without nuclear weapons and",//58
"aircraft they are so pathetic",
"There are many of them in next cave!",//59
"I hate to get my hands dirty...",
"Take this invisiblity potion",//60
"Then reach my truck outside!",
"Ok. Time to leave this place",//61

"Stop your transport unit here",//62
"This is where I get off",
"I entrust command to you",//63 (not sure what you mean here)
"As Tsis Auq would do.",
"Besides, what have you forgotten here?",//64
"Tolkien fans are indebted to this land!",
"Did you hear about the relic",//65
"they worship in their temple?",
"You mean the 'Phallus of Elbereth'?",//66
"I do not know so much...",
"It is a great rocket launcher",//67
"I will venture in to obtain it",
"Wait! Take this machine gun!",//68
"It will aid you in your quest!", (no reason to suddenly switch to olde english here)
"This gate requires a key...",//69
"...where could one be???",
"Hey you! In the name of Elbereth!",//70
"Give us all of your rupees NOW!",
"Yahh! The Lord Of Rockets!",//71
"For virtue ... Come to my hands",
"Taste my lust of genocide!",//72
"Your sister comes next!",

"Ei! Muzjiki! A ya toka chto",//73
"podrachil na fotku prezidenta!",
"Ya konchil emu mezdu glaz!",//74
"Jalko chto chibi-Putin 2 podoh :(",
"<radio>Good Luck! They have tons",//75
"of zombies lurking the streets!",
"<radio>SaintTeeth is currently ",//76
"near red square. There are many of them!",
"<radio>They are moving to your position",//77
"Be careful!",
"I should really care more...",//78
"...care for them to die!",
"<radio> Hey! Hurry up!",//79
"I see many tanks entering the city!",
"<radio> I see her lair from here!",//80
"I will be scouting around the sector!",

"<radio> ...I repeat, massive zombie",//81
"movement detected...",
"It... cannot be... WHY?",
"I'm on the way to a place where",//83
"you will never get me, whores!",
"You are too content for a eaten man",//84
"...I sense the parasite in you",
"... I ... I just cannot take it",//85
"... anymore...",
"... I ... want everything",//86
"... to disappear!..",
"I came to you, bitch!",//87
"Now I will come after you!",
"Your existence is doomed",//88
"I will release myself!!!",
"Now I can go back...",//89
"What the hell just happened???",//90
"That's the last time I'll buy loot",//91
"from you, ugly creature!",
"Shit... the game engine prohibits me",//92
"from raising prices...",

Well, I just worked with Blah's start... I'll have to finish this later as I'm doing this between classes and lunch at college...

EDIT: Should be done now, but someone else may want to have a look over it again...


const char zdialogs[184][48]=
"Incoming!", //Simple, yet effective imo
"What just happened?!!",
"I don't feel so good!",
"My stomach!!!",
"Somethings moving inside my guts!",
"My throat is burning...",
"We are the...",
"... HUNTRESSES!..",
"Time for you to die, witch!",
"Go back to wherever you came from!", //(not sure about this one) // "Back from whence you came Wench!" (would work if you wanted to use olde english... )
"Oh! Where's that monster?",
"I won't let her live that easily!",
"Huh? Another Spiritual attack?",
"Anyway, this forest is an illusion!",
"Whoever was behind that also",
"did this in an effort to stop me...",
"Who's there?!!",
"Name yourself, witch!",
"You know I wasn't asking for an", //(i have no idea what you mean here)
"inscription for your tombstone?...",
"Mortal, you have disturbed our",
"progress for far too long...",
"This is the time to end our sorrow.",
"Your heart is on fire, but not your mind.",
"Keep this for your diary, whore!", //Don't ever change this line, it's awesome!
"I'm gonna put an end to all of you!",

"Get away from him, you pesky spider!",
"... Halobane, is it really you?..",
"Yeah, it's me. I thought you were dead.",
"Your face is messed up.", //(I think that's the best way to put it heh)
"Is it really that bad?",
"Even more ugly than a rat man",
"that was squashed by a tank!",
"I have no time for plastic surgery",
"I need to get a proper healing... fast!",
"Can you walk?",
"I know of no cure, nor spell, nor item.",
"We will soon reach the summoning",
"chamber... <cough> ...",
"Ok. I'll try to keep the monsters at",
"a distance from you.",
"The only chance to purge myself",
"is in there...",
"I will summon 'Code88'",
"He is why we all came here.",
"A cleansing blessing is", //I'll try and figure something better for this out, just drawing a blank at the moment...
"his prime ability...",
"How will we communicate with",
"this fabled God Of Genocide?",
"I will be ...a host for his",
"The summoning chamber is just behind",
"this corner...",

"...By meditation I usually",//60
"mean combat training...",

"I feel the power of this place!",
"... this should be the summoning chamber!",
"So, will it work or not?",
"I do not believe in that stuff...",
"Here I go!",
"Lake of Fire cleanse me...",
"Take my flesh...",
"You smell like hickory when cooked...", //I thought this would be funny...
"... but I will not eat you...",
"... he is inside of me...",
"Ahh. To be in this pitiful world again.",
"I feel the presence of my enemy",
"Leave me alone, mortal one!",
"I need time to ... to meditate...",
"As you wish...",
"Take this knife and pistol.",
"I will not dishonor you...",//82
"...as the God Of Genocide!", //This is where I left it

"You are alive? I killed you both...",
"You and her! This cannot be!!",
"You may destroy the flesh, but",
"never the spirit...",
"You mean it's hopeless?",
"I was stupid to bother you...",
"I'm here to finish what",
"you were unable to complete",
"Let's go!",
"I'll slice these veins to the ground!", //(not sure if you meant to do plural or not)
"These are the veins of her sister",
"The witches are both here",
"This path leads to the surface",
"Do not wait for me, farewell!",
"Welcome to the Goblin Trader",//50 (I'm assuming you meant goblin, but I could be wrong...)
"I have the wares for your war!", //(or should it be we?)

"Yebat v rot moyu mamochku!",//51
"Pizda hana tvoei parashe!",
"Ha-Ha-Ha! You won't get me!",//52
"You stupid Russian pigs!",
"Stoi, HueVaffleSos!",//53
"Huyeplet pizda nam vsem",
"Cho esho zo afftor? Nizachot!..",//54
"Telogreika tebe!",
"Hi there! My name is Vurlach",//55
"I'm the Wall Guardian here",
"As I see many walls,",//56
"Which one are you guarding?",
"Ahh... <giggle>",//57
"The one around this enclave",
"Without nuclear weapons and",//58
"aircraft they are so pathetic",
"There are many of them in the next cave!",//59
"I hate to get my hands dirty...",
"Take this invisibility potion,",//60
//"Then get to my truck outside!", //needs work...
"it'll ease getting to the truck!",
"Ok. Lets leave this place",//61

"Stop your transport unit here",//62
"This is where I get off",
"I entrust command to you",//63 (not sure what you mean here)
"As Tsis Auq would do.",
"Besides, what have you forgotten here?",//64
"Tolkien fans are indebted to this land!",
"Did you hear about the relic",//65
"they worship in their temple?",
"You mean the 'Phallus of Elbereth'?",//66
"I've heard mention of it, but little else",
"Yeah, they worship a rocket launcher,",//67
"so I'm going to start a holy war!",
"Wait!!! ... Take this machine gun!",//68
"It will aid you in your quest!", //(no reason to suddenly switch to olde english here)
"This gate requires a key...",//69
"...where could it be???",
"Hey you! In the name of Elbereth!",//70
"Give us all of your rupees NOW!",
"Yahh! The Lord Of Rockets!",//71
"For virtue ... Come to my hands",
"Taste my lust of genocide!",//72
"Your sister comes next!",

"Ei! Muzjiki! A ya toka chto",//73
"podrachil na fotku prezidenta!",
"Ya konchil emu mezdu glaz!",//74
"Jalko chto chibi-Putin 2 podoh :(",
"<radio>Good Luck! They have tonnes",//75
"of zombies lurking the streets!",
"<radio>SaintTeeth is currently ",//76
"near red square. There are many of them!",
"<radio>They are moving in on your position",//77
"Be careful!",
"I should really care more...",//78
"...care for them to die!",
"<radio> Hey! Hurry up!",//79
//"I see many tanks entering the city!",
"We've got a platoon of tanks rolling in!",
"<radio> I see her lair from here!",//80
"I will be scouting around the sector!",

"<radio> ...I repeat, massive zombie",//81
"movement detected...",
"It... cannot be... WHY?",
"I'm on the way to a place where",//83
"you will never get me, whores!",
"You are too content for a eaten man",//84
"...I sense the parasite in you",
"... I ... I just cannot take it",//85
"... anymore...",
"... I ... want everything",//86
"... to disappear!..",
"I came to you, bitch!",//87
"Now I will come after you!",
"Your existence is doomed",//88
"I will release myself!!!",
"Now I can go back...",//89
"What the hell just happened???",//90
"That's the last time I'll buy loot",//91
"from you, ugly creature!",
"Shit... the game engine prohibits me",//92
"from raising prices...",
