!! Flash6 SWF Player - NOW !!


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2003
Hi Community

please code a flash6 player for the gp32!
flash-plugins (also standalone without a browser) for pocket-pc and sony-clié are available.

if you need help in enquiry - contact me.

thx and best regards

Ah finished, ive created flash for the gamepark, dee9062, all you have to do is get your pocket pc with flash on it and tape it to the front of your gp, there you go, now that was easy wasnt it! :P
zenocha posted on Dec 28 2003 at 10:10 PM said:
Ah finished, ive created flash for the gamepark, dee9062, all you have to do is get your pocket pc with flash on it and tape it to the front of your gp, there you go, now that was easy wasnt it! :P
:D :lol:

You could just save up the £/$10,000,000 or there abouts to pay the licence fee to macromedia. Or ask a very close friend to lend you the money. ;)

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Wait, I got a better idea, since it's available for the sony-clié, why don't we just emulate one of those?:) :P
You people are so WRONG. CLEARLY, the only reasonable alternative is to look at the Macromedia Flash code, in hexadecimal, and compare it with the GP32's machine language; then, all you gots to do is directly convert one to the other. Genius!
ALL good ideas but unfortunately the copyright to Flash code is owned by a family of magical elves who live in Sweden. Unless one of you guys wants to pay those guys a visit (second rainbow on your left from the enchanted forest) then ... forget the whole thing. You don't wanna know that these elves do when they're angry.
ok, i know the jokes are all in fun and whatnot, but whatever happened to the "be-nice-to-the-newbie-with-1-post" policy? :(

(damn swedish elves...stole me wallet :angry: )
nerd of nerds posted on Dec 29 2003 at 05:10 PM said:
ok, i know the jokes are all in fun and whatnot, but whatever happened to the "be-nice-to-the-newbie-with-1-post" policy? :(
Well, it gets kinda boring typing the exact same answer once the question has been asked several hundred times... :wacko:

(damn swedish elves...stole me wallet )

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guys,,, why dont we just download the flash scorce code from kazaa?? its not like we havent dont stuff illegal before :blink:
No, I think the message is.....Flash isn't open source, I don't think anyone will have it in the first place to share it.

Anyway don't worry about your stolen wallet, it will be returned in due time with all the riches of the world in it. :rolleyes: