Flash Cameras

sam fisher

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2004
Bristol, UK
I decided to take a picture of my xbox 360 with a camera. Little did i know the flash was on! I now have a theory that the flash light was intense enough to damage my 360! has it? Also then i stood near the 360!
If the shadow remains on the wall behind the xbox when the xbox isn't there then you may may have caused damage. Also if anything that was exposed to the flash turns to dust when you touch it then you might want to make sure that it realy was a camera and it didn't have this symbol on it,
Yes your xbox is fried and badly contaminated. You are not allowed to throw it away due to the heavy contamination. Also, it may no longer remain in your property, as you are not allowed to posses radioactive material. There is only one place that toxic waste like this can be dumped. It's pretty close to me, so just send the xbox to me, I'll take care of the rest.
sam fisher posted on Dec 10 2005 at 09:41 PM said:
not likely. Mines lead coated :ph34r:
Then it's poisonous! I can send it to the poison diposal squad near me, no charge.
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moz posted on Dec 10 2005 at 02:58 PM said:
something is certainly damaged, but it aint the xbox

Hey, it's Spam! He manages to damage everything in ways you never would've dreamed it would be possible!
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yea, its damaged, the camera is just trying to tell you to dump that lump of junk and wait for the PS3 :) :P :P :D


also what the hell is this thread about????????? How can a Flash damage it???