Fixing The Gp2x Headphone Jack?


Still Fresh
Nov 10, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska
My headphone jack broke on me a few weeks ago, it is not rattling around, but it does not work. I tried 5 different pairs of headphones, none of them worked. Because I bought the GP2x as a media player, this is bad. I sent an email to GP32z asking for some sort of repair or return, but they did not respond. I don't mind fixing it myself, I am decent with a soldering iron. Is there some sort of established way of fixing the headphone jack? I guess I want the experiences of people who have done it before.
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GP32z is sometimes (Most of the time) slow with email replies, but he will surely replace/fix it for you if you cannot get it running.
The problem I have with my headphone socket is that I have to hold the headphone jack in place to get stereo sound -- if I don't I only get audio in the left ear. It's really irratating trying to hold it in the right position while watching a video/listening to music and impossible when playing a game that requires two hands.

Do you think resoldering would fix this problem? I opened my GP2X up and looked at the 4 solder points for the headphones, and they all seem to be attached ok. I've also tried 3 sets of headphones and all had this problem, so I'm sure its the GP2X. Any suggestions what to do to fix it?
I guess adding an extra blob of solder would never hurt (unless u solder 2 connections together :P) It sounds like if connections arent being made cleanly if u have to push in the headphone jack, so that would be your bet bet.
If that doesnt work all u can do is send it back.