

Jan 25, 2008
Ok so now pandoras are hitting I have seen reports of problems/faults with:-

Charging cable
Shoulder buttons
Uneven closing
Screws overtightened resulting in damage

Now apart from the bezel issue which seems to be quite frequent granted the numbers of faults are small. And maybe due to mistakes made during manufacture of the earlier units.

Whilst the odds of getting a faulty pandora are fairly small 1 in 20 maybe?

What's going on with the warranty? I have seen a few mentions of parts being offered to be sent or people saying they will try various adhesives to sort or try drilling things themselves but I have seen little mention of these problems actually being fixed? Have I missed those or am I being unreasonable to expect that my pandora arrives without any damage?

Eg if my screen bezel is coming away I'm going to send it back until I get one that doesn't have this issue, they don't ALL have it so why should I have to? I'm not going to start taking it apart and working out what I need to do to fix it.

I appreciate and understand the software is a work in progress but the hardware isn't! They can't send me an update to fix a dpad or screen bezel. Have to say the majority of reviews are starting to make me think that no pandoras have yet gone out that don't have a fault! Seriously look at the reviews most seem to have something wrong.

Is the hardware 100% covered by the warranty if my pandora turns out to be a gimped one when it arrives.?
It's assembled by hand. It's not going to be the same as if a machine does it. There will be small visual signs to this aspect, as well as a slightly higher chance of items going missing, or being put in wrong. Shipping it to the build team to get a single strand of tape fitted a second time to make the beezel fit better, will take a week, or a few weeks, where as a new strip of tape could be in your hands in a few days. Either way a human will be doing the handling, and it's pretty hard to mess up completely, as long as you are relatively carefull.
its more a matter of, it took X days Y months and Z years to arrive and im going to send it back?
i wouldnt if could reacomodate it first (doing things that wouldn't void warranty of course).

i always think warranty as the last resource.

thats maybe because i really hate dealing with tech support and warranty.

and apart from that, we only hope quality and QC gets better over time, or pandora will die quickly.
Mr B said:
It's assembled by hand. It's not going to be the same as if a machine does it. There will be small visual signs to this aspect, as well as a slightly higher chance of items going missing, or being put in wrong. Shipping it to the build team to get a single strand of tape fitted a second time to make the beezel fit better, will take a week, or a few weeks, where as a new strip of tape could be in your hands in a few days. Either way a human will be doing the handling, and it's pretty hard to mess up completely, as long as you are relatively carefull.

That's what testing is for! Seriously the devices shouldn't be sent with light pipes missing, bezels not stuck down properly, shoulder buttons drilled incorrectly.

And take weeks to get it fixed! I send next day delivery I expect it to be returned within a couple of days or a new device sent, this is a device that people have paid a lot of money for, we now find that there is a break in production while they wait for more parts well instead of rushing the first ones out they should have taken a couple of days longer to ship them and actually do some proper quality checking.
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post a pic to see how severe the problem is, the fact is you seem more concerned on OP fixing it, than getting it fixed full stop

the tools they use there arnt special, you can go down to any diy store and buy what you need to fix it

also i believe this problem is on all pandora's, some are worse than others, and some have such little issue of it, its unnoticeable

basically do you want it fixed, or do you want to bitch about OP fixing it
they probably would fix it, no problem, but it would be best for you to fix it yourself. considering the time

also you can only plan for so much,

you may find this interesting

yeh I guessed that might be the case,

hopefully they will push on to about 75 aday so hopefully mine will be built by Friday
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and then someone says near it, there shouldnt be any more bottlenecks.
or delays or 2 months more.
emcp said:
post a pic to see how severe the problem is, the fact is you seem more concerned on OP fixing it, than getting it fixed full stop

the tools they use there arnt special, you can go down to any diy store and buy what you need to fix it

also i believe this problem is on all pandora's, some are worse than others, and some have such little issue of it, its unnoticeable

basically do you want it fixed, or do you want to bitch about OP fixing it
they probably would fix it, no problem, but it would be best for you to fix it yourself. considering the time

also you can only plan for so much,

you may find this interesting

yeh I guessed that might be the case,

hopefully they will push on to about 75 aday so hopefully mine will be built by Friday

What are you on about? I haven't even got it yet hence me saying 'if my pandora has...'

Why should I be going to a DIY store and buying things to fix a brand new device!?

Why have you included that quote of what I said the other day? Your really confusing me.
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thats the hostility of the fanboyism for you.

people will bump into those walls if they start posting the way you did.

and you did it again!.

i dont like the board behaviour lately but it seems it works that way.
DroneB Dev said:
thats the hostility of the fanboyism for you.

people will bump into those walls if they start posting the way you did.

and you did it again!.

i dont like the board behaviour lately but it seems it works that way.

Sorry I guess I have a mixture of anticipation, frustration, worry, excitement etc.
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sorry thought you had it (talk about worrying over something that might not even affect you, also they way i read it first it was as if you were on the attack, after re-reading it doesnt seem that way, must have been another post)

Why should I be going to a DIY store and buying things to fix a brand new device!?
its a design/manufacturing flaw, i think it has to do with a off-centre hole (either by design or manufacture)

You dont have to, but it would probably be best considering time, plus the issue was more of a problem with the early units
So they are doing QC for it, so your unit shouldnt be affected, and even if it was, a 30 mins pop down to the store to fix it the same way they would fix it, as opposed to atleast 2-3 days (posting)

they arnt likely to give you another pandora, take the your oneand let someone else , theyre gonna fix it

i quoted you, because you were saying they should push to get you your unit
and then you said

taken a couple of days longer to ship them and actually do some proper quality checking.

what is it
emcp said:
sorry thought you had it (talk about worrying over something that might not even affect you, you were on the attack)

Why should I be going to a DIY store and buying things to fix a brand new device!?
its a design/manufacturing flaw, i think it has to do with a off-centre hole (either by design or manufacture)

You dont have to, but it would probably be best considering time, plus the issue was more of a problem with the early units

i quoted you, because you were saying they should push to get you your unit
and then you said

taken a couple of days longer to ship them and actually do some proper quality checking.

what is it

I'mon the 'attack' because the company I paid money to seem to be shipping devices with some faults and I am worried that mine will have some of those faults, if it does I'd rather it be fixed properly, eg is the bezel down to tape applied wrong or a bad batch of case parts? If I stick it myself I saw someone mention it can affect the touch screen. If it's a design flaw then they would all have it not some of them, it's simple some of them have a fault and I don't really want one that does.

Of course I want them to make my unit but I didn't say that I wanted them to rush them out with faults, it's perfectly acceptable to want the manufacturing to be quicker AND for them to have good quality checking in place.

Also when I hoped they would ship mine soon how was I to know that they were making faults in manufacture?

And as I said I'm fine that some faulty units will ship! As long as there is a plan/warranty available to make sure everyone gets a good quality unit.
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stustaff said:
Why should I be going to a DIY store and buying things to fix a brand new device!?
Well ... why not? Beats shipping it off over the ocean to a company that might not have replacement parts for weeks!

The goal is to have a working unit, right?

I would talk to someone from OP before doing something like this. That way you can get some assurance that it's still in warranty if you get the thing open and discover that its not something you can fix.

Why have you included that quote of what I said the other day? Your[sic] really confusing me.
Because in one thread you were telling them to slow down so that your device would be perfect, and in another thread you were hoping they would speed up so you'd get your device sooner!
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they are already getting QC better and thats all they can do!.

one thing i always tell to clients is you cant beat the odds
they can give you better numbers in lottery or a batch of numbers
, but in the end one single number always beat the remaining 99.99.. % of

and also, complaining before hand is no good to no one!
even less here around, no matter what you say they will keep the delivery
and im sure there will be more flaws/faulty units.