[FIXED] Color Depth On Lcd Is Like 8Bit


Jul 23, 2009
The threads' title says it all: I have problems with the LCD screen.

From time to time (about 60% of cases)the screen looks like it is set to 8bit color depth or contrast is like 200% of normal value. I took a screenshot.png (via terminal) in this state and it shows with normal coloring on my desktop (full color range, no color artifacts). Also, the screen is set to the correct color depth in software, no sign of linux forcing 8 bit. That makes me believe that it's a problem with the cable or lcd.

The strange thing is that once the xfce desktop loads nicely it stays nicely until I reboot. Opening/closeing the lid in order to mechanically influence the lcd ribbon cable doesn't do anything as well as removing the battery before next boot. I cannot find any way to replicate the bahaviour, it just happens out of the blue.
The only thing that seems consistent is that some sort of graphics initialization takes place when booting the pandora and that is the point where it decides to work correctly or not: the boot screen with the single small pandora logo and the boot screen with the loading gauge may show ok but that doesn't mean that the desktop shows ok as well. Inbetween is were I assume some initialization happens that only works sometimes..

I also opened my pandi to have a look at the lcd-connector on the board. It looks ok. Opening the connector and moving the cable doesn't do anything.

Is there anything else I could check? Did anybody have similar problems? (screw this forums' search function! It's worthless)

Left side: corrupt display with few colors and no details anymore
Right side: normal display functioning

Can I ask if you know how early your Pandora is? (Unfortunately it's a little bit harder to tell if you're outside of the first 100, as only the first 100 have sequential serial numbers.)

I'm no expert, but this does sound, to me at least, like the LCD cable problem that is known to have affected some of the first 200 units built. If memory serves, it's caused by a blob of solder hitting the cable somewhere (but don't quote me on that - I may be misremembering), and can be intermittent before it worsens.
Your LCD lost power after it got initialized. I dont know how, but that is what it looks like without initialization :P.
alright, thx for the fast reply @ all!

I'll return it to ED soon.. (got my Pandora with EDs first shipment)
Alright, it really was the LCD cable. ED fixed it real quick, so my Pandora is fine again. Oh joy!

A moderator could add a "Fixed" tag to the threads title, pls :)