First Ps3 Pictures

mattmagoo posted on May 22 2005 at 05:55 PM said:
According a an article published in the May 17th edition of Japan's Mainichi Shimbun, the PlayStation 3 could be one of the most expensive mass-market videogame consoles ever created. Officials from Sony apparently told the newspaper that PlayStation 3s would sell in Japan for "less than 50,000 yen each." That translates to about $465 US dollars.

hmmmmm, bit pricey non?

Dammmmmnnn I SO called it! I said it'd be about $400-500 :lol: ! I don't doubt it... Sony know they can sell millions of them regardless of how much they sell them for... they're not worried about any competition, just like they weren't worried with the PSP and priced it $100 more than the DS.
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even if the 360 sells at $300? i doubt they'll sell at $300, though
That reminds me, despite all the rumors, there was NO mention of two different versions of the 360 at E3... I asked a rep and he insisted there would just be the one version. Dunno if that was news or what. And I'm betting it will go for $300.
sam fisher posted on May 18 2005 at 07:21 PM said:
btw the 163rd best super computer in the world with 1153 cores has less power than the ps3 ;)

It's not just the clockrate that does it, many other factors come into it, just think between the AMD and intel processors the AMD could have a lower clockrate whilst performing the same.
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Memnoch posted on May 17 2005 at 11:32 PM said:
Sony could market a turd and it'd sell by the millions.

They already do, it's called PS2.

c0ncept posted on May 18 2005 at 02:13 AM said:
As for the specs wow from the geek in me but a big "WHO CARES" from the gamer. I'd much rather hear about the games than the specs of the machine, but maybe thats just me.

Finally I find out I'm not alone in this!

Really, specs mean nothing to me, why don't I go read the specs for my Amiga. Let's see some GAMES running on these systems.

But really, I can't see there being much difference between the actual visuals and sound quality of the PS3 and XB360. Really, they've gotten them to the point now that they're almost photorealistic and can only make them go faster without adding anything significant in terms of visual quality.

The real difference this time COULD be the price, if MS undercut Sony's price by US$200 (and they have the bank reserves to absorb it, that's for sure). Combine this with the difference in how the games will look being negligible and I think that MS will still be a big contender this time around.

(no I'm not a MS fanboy, I used to be a Sega fanboy, but Sega's pretty much dead so no point now).
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as far as I see it, I couldn't care if the quality of the graphics improve to be honest. What I want to see is more realism i.e. realistic physics, proper location based damage, a busy nightclub that actually looks busy (I mean those ones in the GTA series are a joke, twenty people does not a busy night club make) that sort of thing.