First Might Come Mmorpg For The Pandora.


Still Fresh
Jun 26, 2007
Well I spoke with CipSoft in germany and told them about the pandora it's specs posabilities etc. After some talking about what benefits Tibia would have for both Cip and the Pandora I sended them some more indepth information by mail, I will quote the reply at the end of this post :)

First of, do not flame, I dont realy care if you do not like Tibia or not. It's a good step in the right direction getting a full featured MMORPG on to the Pandora.

So I hope for this to turn out well :)

Feel free to post comments.

For the ones that dosen't know Tibia is a MMORPG that was first released in 1997, one of the first real medival MMORPGS released just a while before ultima online. Tibia is a 2D sprite 45 degree angle MMORPG it's realy fun to play and feels alot like old snes rpgs etc. So I like it alot since im a fan of retrogaming.

Ive been playing Tibia since the release of tibias first public test and played on and off trough the years. This game would be a good game for the Pandora since the pandora got a qwerty keyboard.

Tibias Homepage
Tibia screenshots
Tibia OLD SCREENSHOTS NOTE this is how tibia looked in the older days version 5-6 many years ago, coulden't find any screenshots from the first public release I played.
Tibia WIKIA This contains all information a Tibia player would ever need, all from monsters, items to maps and quest spoiling.


Thank you for your proposal.

We will consider it carefully. If it fits into our concept of Tibia, we
will eventually develop a new client for this console. Also, we invite
you to discuss your proposal with other players on our proposals board at
We check it out regularly even though it may not always seem that way.

If you have any further questions and would like to write to us again,
please attach or quote your previous email and our reply to ensure that
our help will be efficient.

Have fun in Tibia!

Kind regards,
Tibia Customer Support

So im crossig my fingers and hope this will become reality. I would offer them to help them but as most companies they do not want me to look at the source code of the client :P

Why not, the game looks like Ultima, so it could be nice for Pandora :)

Thanks and bye, Magic Sam
Ye it accully released a few months before Ultima online, and the first versions of tibia used graphics from ultima 4 or 5 don't remember realy.

ultima release: released on September 25, 1997
Tibia release: released on January 1997

I modefyed the original post with some screenshots :) Both old and new.
The angle of the graphics would frustrate me to no end, but another game ported to the Pandora is good news.
It's a bit difrent yes but when you start to play and get used to it you can not stop :)

Mainly why this is so exciting is that it's a MMORPG ported to handheld console, I don't know of any other MMORPG that works on a handheld console sureley not as well known and has over 700,000 players. That's why this is a breaktrough the would bring Tibia players to the Pandora and start a chain reaction if we are lucky with other software companies to start porting their MMORPGs to consoles :)
Most MMORPG type games seem to have too high a learning curve when you first start playing them so I've been holding off from trying one for years. This seems like a good one to get started with though, thanks for the heads up and good luck getting it ported :)

I have not only spoken to them trought that mail. So it´s more prommesing then it sounds. Hopefully :)


Yea to learn the basics it´s not that hard they have a good detailed tutorial when you start to learn the baic controll handelling etc, but as a oldschool player on this game i allways change to classic controlls in the options menu as it was played when I started it :)

Choose wisley what server you start on, pvp servers are fun but people with high lv and power can abuse it a bit, no pvp servers get a bit booring and people tend to ingore that you are hunting in a sertain cave, pvp enforced servers are without limitations when killing you accully get loads of xp by killing players so stay of thoose servers when you are new to the game. SO either PVP or NO-PVP, I would recoment you to start no pvp untill you get the hang of the game :)

Also think some before choosign vocation,
Knights: Mele class, fast skills in mele weapons, slow skills in distance and realy slow in magic level.
They also gain the most hitpoints every level they gain also the most cap (how much you can carry) also they gain low mana each level.

Paladins: Distance fighters, fast skillign in distance fighting and shielding, medium hitpoints, mana and cap gain each level. Fairly fast magic level advancement.

Sorcerers: The combat magic user, aggresive spells, agressive high damage runes. Fastest magic lvl (same as druid) slow in alla mele and distance skills. Low hitpoint gain each level, Highest Mana gain each level and low cap gain. (mana gain same as druid).

Druids: Same as sorcerers with gains just that they gain a little bit quicker skills in mele classes, these are more near nature and got alot of support spells, and healing spells also they got a good selection of healing runes they can make.

Keep in mind that Knights and paladins are easier to start playing for a newbie, Knights easiest.
Sorcerers and ruids is not hard but dosent become powerfull and fast to lvl in the beggining so requires more time.
Portable MMORPG's! Now you can waste your life on the go!
I agree with hch though, it seemed like a robotic response.
plus, even if they did it wouldn't be the first, since I am confident that one of the other ones will make it to daylight.

also- damn, that game is expensive. 10 dollars a month for a 'premium'? first of all, multi level paying plans never work out for MMO's, it should be all or nothing, and considering there are many MMORPG's out there that charge the same or less but are more featured, or even some of the ultima games on private servers, probably private servers for tibia, too, seems pretty ridiculous to me

You do not have to be a paying player, you have alot fun when playing for free also so you do not need to pay for this at all, the free world is amazingly big and have everything you would ever need, the reason people play is to get better hunting places and a few extra spells. The paying members cant ravel by boat to the sourounding islands, but check the worldmap the main contintinet that is the free one is huge. Paying members spend alot of time in free area, allmost as much as in members area.

Also why is it a waste of life playing a MMORPG on the go?`Realy no difrent then playing a singerplayer game both are games and consume time.

plus, even if they did it wouldn't be the first, since I am confident that one of the other ones will make it to daylight.

Yeah but will they make it to the pandora I might ask? Also you got no idea if anyone will be faster then CipSoft just speculations, since CipSoft is a big company they got the same chance to be first, they got the budget to do it.

Also yes they have private servers, they accully was the first game ever to get one and are the most accurate one ever been made, accully they are configurable to be 100% accurate to the original game, but why waste time playing on a private server that just gonna disapere some day when the hoster gets boored of hosting.

Only because you do not like MMORPGs dosen´t mean they shouldent be on handheld consoles.
It's a great way to get more people into the pandora world.
If you don't like it then fine don't play it, but everything that gets ported to teh Pandora is good news.
I used to play tibia. It's a nice mmorpg, the first i played actually :)

Not too difficult but can be really entertaining with the right crowd. If it gets ported, i would play it for certain, and would be willing to pay for it if it is affordable.
@som99: that email smells of elitist bullshit. Sorry

@PoisonedV: having had some friends who i lost to warcrack i have to agree with you completely.

@Eniko: i really want you to succeed in your project, you are somewhat of an inspiration to someone like me learning programming just to code for the panda.
It looks interesting. Although I don't like the some free-with-premium-content model, I'll probably play it if it's on the Pandora (looks interesting enough otherwise). They already have a linux client, so it seems like it wouldn't take an outstanding amount of work to port it. Of course, I'll also play the homebrew ones as well... I like MMORPGs.
Izomiac said:
It looks interesting. Although I don't like the some free-with-premium-content model, I'll probably play it if it's on the Pandora (looks interesting enough otherwise). They already have a linux client, so it seems like it wouldn't take an outstanding amount of work to port it. Of course, I'll also play the homebrew ones as well... I like MMORPGs.
After being alerted of it, there are private servers using 'illicit' (as called by the creators' server software which rids multi level play. thank god.

anyway, som99, just lighthearted joking mostly. if it gets on there, I'll end up playing it anyway. I need something to fill the void of PSO
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I'm at developing a new large mmorpg with a couple of friends across Italy, it's realtime, full 3D .. entirely web based on port 80 (no client needed at all) but....... you need flash player > 9 (due to exadel flamingo seamRemoteObject calls to bind data).
Even if pandora can widely manage the 3d data, flash player > 9 afaik is not available for arm processors.
I realy hope for this to be Ported, and yes they got a Linux client so woulden´t be that much work for them. :)

@Paolo would be nice to see a little more information about your game. Pm me if you want.

som99 said:
I realy hope for this to be Ported, and yes they got a Linux client so woulden´t be that much work for them. :)

Having a Linux client means very little when it comes to ease of porting. They may have to rewrite the entire rendering system in order to comply with OpenGL ES.
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@sinoth since Tibia runs trough openGL on the linux version I don't think it would be that impossible to convert it, would it?
som99 said:
@sinoth since Tibia runs trough openGL on the linux version I don't think it would be that impossible to convert it, would it?
OpenGL ES is not backwards compatible with OpenGL. If Tibia uses display lists for rendering then they'll have to change their rendering code because display lists simply don't exist in OpenGL ES. And - someone correct me if I'm wrong here - it's plausible that they do use display lists to be compatible with older versions of OpenGL on various installations of Linux.
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