First Ever Gp2x Magazine Released!

Well, the idea started off by a thread called "Magazines" in the "cool ideas" forum, and the original poster specifically requested a so-called eMag to be read on the GP2X, much like the PSP eMags, so that's what I made.

Personally, I didn't see the point with the eMags when I first heard of them some time ago, either. Picture this, though: You're commuting to work and you've just buggered up in Beat2X for the fifth time since you got on the bus/train. You don't feel like playing any longer. Just smack up a mag and read a review or something.

On the podcast issue, I have nothing more to say that I guess I'm not "most people".

EDIT: That being said, I think that a PDF magazine on development and various other things would be rad. I say go for it!
Magnulus posted on Jul 19 2006 at 10:24 AM said:
Well at the idea started off by a thread called "Magazines" in the "cool ideas" forum, and the original poster specifically requested a so-called eMag to be read on the GP2X, much like the PSP eMags, so that's what I made.

Personally, I didn't see the point with the eMags when I first heard of them some time ago, either. Picture this, though: You're commuting to work and you've just buggered up in Beat2X for the fifth time since you got on the bus/train. You don't feel like playing any longer. Just smack up a mag and read a review or something.

On the podcast issue, I have nothing more to say that I guess I'm not "most people".

Ok I see your point of view. So perhaps looking at what I said about the SVG format if a reader exists for it perhaps that might be a good idea. It would be smaller as the text would be text instead of images. Also some good vector art could be made. And the plus side being scalable. Could also be interactive and give more scope.

But personally speaking I would have most likely to have read the review before it got on the gp2x or if I was at work. And living in Devon (uk) only takes me 15 minutes to drive to work so that's not an option ;-) There would have to be a lot of content for it to be worth spending the time to put it on the gp2x for something that would get read once and maybe referred to later on.
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Well, when the eMag/image viewer Wite Noiz is working on is released, it will enable zipped files to be loaded directly, so you wouldn't even need to extract the files, just dump the zip on your SD card. Also, it'll have a table of contents so you can quickly find pages you were at earlier if you're not reading it in one sitting.

The thing I like about it being straight images is that I have full control. A lot of the time, anti-aliased text (scaled or true-type, that is) looks very unreadable on an LCD screen, so I like to be able to choose when I use anti-aliasing or not. As for vektor imagery, that's really constricting and takes a surprising amount of time to do unless you have something like Adobe Illustrator which lets you use a tablet and even registers the pressure for varying width on the lines.
I think the content will decide whether it works or not. I really think that the odd 'mag' of news and reviews would be an interesting addition to the GP2X.

Magnulus posted on Jul 19 2006 at 12:02 PM said:
so you can quickly find pages you were at earlier if you're not reading it in one sitting
Hmm... bookmarks? I realise you were talking about the existing TOC feature, but I'll have to think about that.
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Well, first of all I'll talk about the mag and then about my thoughts.

If I was expecting a diskmag engine that displays text and plays a nice music in the background then I'd be totally dissapointed. But since it's #0 I'd say ok, let's wait for #1. Afterall, a GP32 mag had done almost the same thing back then. That was GP32Brew pilot issue, at least it was using some sort of an engine/loader (written in Fenix) that loaded and let the user to scroll down some 320*xxxx pics, accompanied with a nice music in the background). This one gave you the feeling of a true scene diskmag even if there was no true text writer but images again. But I wouldn't care much about that (except for the size) since the content matters more. But what do we have here? Why restrict this pilot issue in 320*240 images? Why stripping the last answer in the interview because it doesn't fit? Even if there is no true diskmag engine for lot's of text, why not 1) have a 320*xxxx image more than the screen height when needed to let the user scroll down to the next pages of an article (photo-viewer also lets you scroll an image I think), 2) If it doesn't work (maybe the default of photo-viewer is to have the image stretched and I don't remember), why not have 2-3 or more JPGs for an article, saying page 1/3, 2/3, etc.. to save also that interview line? Now, not only the mag is some JPEGs instead of a true engine (which as I said, maybe I could stop care about because the content matters) but the content is zero. If you had the 320*240 as an excuse to write such sort articles, at least you could have one more JPEG as page 2 for the interview to fix the [..]. And to not spread only negative comments, at least the design and humour of the mag was promising. Hopefully enough there will be articles more than one page in the next issue. And maybe a true diskmag engine even though most people here won't care about that because they have not much relation to the demoscene.

My last sentence is another point now. Most people here ask for an image magazine. Someone thought about PDF and maybe that's a better idea in the aspect of allowing people to read the mag on the PC or GP2X as preferable. Nobody asked here for a true diskmag engine with text/image output, interface, music playing in the background as in the true scene spirit, it's unique engine that is a work of the coders/artists of the team, the unique feeling it has, scene spirit. But that's the problem. Very few people in the GP2X are attached to the demoscene. Most GP2Xers would even prefer a web-magazine. What's the point of reading a mag in the GP2X? It's too tiring and an engine would also need a lot of extra effort (how much easier it is with JPGs). I can understand these points. Most people won't even get it! They would be pissed off to not be able reading this on the PC. The scene feeling won't matter about them, rather than if it's a mag talking about GP2X with some nice content they can read on their computer. So, I am quite sceptical whether it would make any diferrence if I struggled to code a diskmag engine for this purpose. Except if I wouldn't care whether people like it or not, rather than if I enjoyed the making process of it..

But you know something? I can't ask from the scene to be more demoscene oriented..
Both the GP32 and GP2X community prooves that most people care about emulators and homebrew games (stuff that I also do care about), why should I ask them to like a senseless scene release? At least a diskmag are something that looks like having a purpose, unlike demos which most people find useless :P

It just feels unmotivating for a demoscener inside the GP32/GP2X homebrew scene though..

p.s. Check two PC scene diskmags to have a feel how unique they are in their true shell.
Optimus posted on Jul 20 2006 at 09:21 AM said:
Nobody asked here for a true diskmag engine with text/image output, interface, music playing in the background as in the true scene spirit, it's unique engine that is a work of the coders/artists of the team, the unique feeling it has, scene spirit.
I thought this same thing myself. However, I thought that somebody is working on coding a reader for this magazine. I could be wrong though. If I am wrong and nobody is coding a diskmag reader, I'll volunteer to do it.
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Dzz posted on Jul 20 2006 at 04:44 PM said:
I thought this same thing myself. However, I thought that somebody is working on coding a reader for this magazine. I could be wrong though. If I am wrong and nobody is coding a diskmag reader, I'll volunteer to do it.
I am, but feel free to start your own, of course ;)
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Wite_Noiz posted on Jul 20 2006 at 10:04 AM said:
Dzz posted on Jul 20 2006 at 04:44 PM said:
I thought this same thing myself. However, I thought that somebody is working on coding a reader for this magazine. I could be wrong though. If I am wrong and nobody is coding a diskmag reader, I'll volunteer to do it.
I am, but feel free to start your own, of course ;)
Excellent! Although I think it's a need, I don't know that we need TWO of them right now. I look forward to seeing it!
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Dzz posted on Jul 20 2006 at 05:07 PM said:
Excellent! Although I think it's a need, I don't know that we need TWO of them right now. I look forward to seeing it!
True, but we may have different ideas and goals.
I'm bouncing all of my ideas off of Magnulus, and he seems to like what I'm aiming at. I'm hoping to have a quick turn-around on the first version, but it's been a hell of a week for me so far.

What Optimus said about a complex engine interests me, though. If the first hack of my reader gets interest, I'll probably expand it with a simple scripting system for ttf, sounds and things.

I think it will be interesting to see how interested people are in a 2X magazine once I've released the reader. There seems to be a lot of sceptics at the moment.
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All interesting thoughts here. The background music, etc etc sounds like fun. Dunno who'd bother making music for the mag, though, but I suppose I could be surprised.

What you're saying about the single pages and stuff is completely true, and in the reader Noiz is working on, there will be better support for larger images than there currently is for the regular image viewer. What it currently does is fit (but not stretch) the larger images to the screen, which means you have to zoom in and then scroll to the top to start reading a new page. The feature I've requested from Noiz was that it opens all images in 100% view and looking at them from the top left (so if you have sideways-scrolling articles, that works too.)

Now, I realise that maybe I shouldn't have put the Mag on the file archive, since this seems to have raised anticipation quite a bit. Yes, I cut off the start of that last answer ("I'm looking forward to-") to fit it on one page. I didn't fit up a second page for it because it was, like I've stated before, simply a proof of concept. Something I did for fun to see if it'd look neat or at least be doable on the GP2X. I put it in the file archive as an afterthought.

I was already planning to have full articles (either as multipage bits or scrolling ones.), reviews more in-depth interviews etc for the next issue. In all probability, it'll be released with a build of the eMag reader Noiz is working on.

We're currently discussing the possibility of an engine with actual fonts and background images, etc, so it'll look more like a specialized website than a single image.

Sorry if I disappointed. I could always remove the pilot issue and put the first proper issue up when we finish that.
Magnulus posted on Jul 20 2006 at 07:31 PM said:
Sorry if I disappointed. I could always remove the pilot issue and put the first proper issue up when we finish that.

The last thing that you did was disappoint someone. Issue Zero was only a certain concept, and it also was a pretty nice one too! At least in my opinion it was, and i certainly think a lot of other people think the same way. I would love to see a next issue. :)
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I used to read amiga disk mags ( hey, I like pain :lol: ) :) , this is the right place for a new homebrew beastmag Mr. Magnus ( Magnulus ) .

Always look at it as a demo and it'll work great :) .
Magnulus posted on Jul 20 2006 at 08:31 PM said:
since this seems to have raised anticipation quite a bit.

Anticipation is promotion. Usual tactic of HUGi :)

Magnulus posted on Jul 20 2006 at 08:31 PM said:
Yes at I cut off the start of that last answer ("I'm looking forward to-") to fit it on one page.

Oh,. only that? I thought there was 3 or more lines there :P

Magnulus posted on Jul 20 2006 at 08:31 PM said:
Sorry if I disappointed. I could always remove the pilot issue and put the first proper issue up when we finish that.

It's ok for me that you have released it. Don't count on my (maybe harsh?) criticism. Several people tell us to not release our first crap in the scene, but there is a good purpose for each release. We are learning and observing people's reactions. After each release, there starts a new era for a better one, where we look back at our mistakes and improve. The good thing is that we have here a new promising start for a good diskmag in the GP2X scene now. You don't need to remove the pilot issue except if you really want to. In your position I would keep it in the archive just for the history. But if you are too ashamed of it you are free to remove it :)

If I could (I can't because in two weeks I'll be totally off from my activities because of the stupid army ;P) I'd start making an engine for you, though I see other people are working on it now. I am not sure whether I'll manage to contribute few articles inside this short period (I have promised articles for two other mags ;P). Anyways,. till then.
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semyaza posted on Jul 19 2006 at 09:25 AM said:
I am really confused. Some people are asking for an official magazine or homebrew magazine but people are creating image based magazines for use in the gp2x.

There is some great talent here and I dont mean to disrespect but I don't think I could really be bothered to read a magazine using the gp2x, as much as I love it. And what about people who havnt got a gp2x and would like to learn more before they buy?

I would just like to see a professional format PDF magazine which I can fire up on the 'puter and either read onscreen or print out specific articles. It all depends on what is wanted from a magazine. A good example I think would be articles about development which could get some more coders in or help those who can code to learn the architect easily. There is stuff in the development forum which can be salvaged and put together in a several part series.
I don't know if a reader exists but SVG could be a useful format as this is scalable. But I still think for a magazine PDF is still the best way for not reading on the gp2x. You could embed links to affiliates if you wanted to make money from it.

It reminds me of the so called 'Podcast'. Apparantly most people watch them on their computer and not on their pmp.

GPJunkies - Coming very soon.

I'm afraid I can't really say much more at this point.
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