New Magazine


Still Fresh
Jul 17, 2006
This magazine features reviews of classic games that can be played on an emulator either on your PC or running on a GP2X. I created tihs magazine to help fill in the gap that exists currently in the games catagory of the GP2X, as it is yet to feature a commercial game. Additionally the homebrew development is coming along slowly but steadily. This magazine will hopefully help you enjoy some of the greatest classics ever created.

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Cool, just reading through it. I hope this means a start of a whole new gp2x magazine era, especially if the gp2x magazine engine is still being made. :P

Nice work.

P.S. you forgot an L in emulation on page 2. :)
Good start! I'm looking forward to your next issue. I'd love to hear more about the classics I might have missed.

I have a few suggestions/ observations:
1: Proofread. To give a solid impression, it's important that there are as few typos and misspellings as possible. If you're not 100% comfortable with English, you should get someone who is to proofread for you.
2: On the page where you speak of the Pocket Color, the text is obviously blending into the background. You should make sure that the text stays constant on a page, or else it gets very confusing to read.
3: I love that you concentrated on a single console for the issue, that makes for a good thematic feeling to your issues. I'd suggest reviewing at least three or four games for that console while you're at it, though. You might as well move the history of the NGPC to the front, so people know what console you're talking about.
At first, I'll second the three things mentioned by Magnulus, especially number 3.

At second, if there are pictures on the right ( or even all the time ) 'Blocksatz' looks much better. Don't know the word for that in english. If the lines are all of the same length.

Edit: Go Wite_Noiz :)
By Blocksatz, I suppose you mean what is called "justified". The kind of alignment that makes all lines of text the same width, enlarging the spaces between words until the thing fits. Like... Well, like in my mag. I agree to that. It makes things look a bit more "newspapery", but can also lead to ugly-looking lines if the space is small and the words very long.

One other thing I noticed:

None of our mags are official. I named mine the "original" because it was the first, but it's not official. The only way to be official is if your mag is either condoned by GPH or if they are the ones releasing it.
I suggest people who want to work on a magazine should team up together. If everybody is going to release their own magazine, maybe we have five half baked magazines in the end. It's defenetely better to have one awesome one, compiled and created by perhaps ten persons, then three magazines, that are created in teams of three or four people.

Again, i suggest you team up with Magnulus. His magazine has better looks, and together you guys can create an even nicer product in the end. You can both do your thing, and create the content you both want. Then take the best of that, and put it together in one magazine. Thrust me, it works better that way! The community needs a magazine. And it better be one good one, then perhaps three different one's that aren't as good together as only one.

No hard feelings though. If you want to do it yourself, then do it. The magazine doesn't look that bad after all, and with a little more content it probably would be read by a lot of people.
At the moment, I don't think merging has that much of a point to it. He created a mag that has a completely different aim that what my mag does, so I think he's got a very good potential for a supplement rather than a competitor to my own mag. If five more general GP2X mags like mine show up, there could be a point in merging or closing down a few, and the same goes for future emu mags. But one mag for GP2X original content and one for emulated games should both coexist just fine.
Marco1983 posted on Jul 22 2006 at 02:14 PM said:
I suggest people who want to work on a magazine should team up together. If everybody is going to release their own magazine, maybe we have five half baked magazines in the end. It's defenetely better to have one awesome one, compiled and created by perhaps ten persons, then three magazines, that are created in teams of three or four people.

At the moment that wouldn't make any sense. Like Magnulus mentioned, they've got a completly other thematic. But if both of them just stay at their current size ( around 5 to 7 pages ) it could make sense to make a bigger Gp2x magazine with multiple sections in it, like a 'Emulation' and a 'Homebrew' section. But I think ( and hope ) that they'll grow with the release of the Magazine Reader ( probably the most wanted app now ) and so that wouldn't be necessary.

Oh, if someone searches a guest writer, here I am. :) I'll do my best to write in some nice to read english and to add my articles some spice with screenshots, ripped sprites etc.
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DaveN posted on Jul 22 2006 at 02:17 PM said:
the Magazine Reader ( probably the most wanted app now )
Ah, crap... Yeah, no pressure guys :blink:

Hehe. Was able to spend a few more hours on it today and the base functionality is almost complete.
If I'm not too busy next week, I should get the first version finished by Friday... but no promises - I'm not commiting to a deadline yet ;)
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Theres a new edition of my mag coming soon. Do any of you guys have any more comments or suggestions? I figured I would continue to do most of the NGPC games first and then move to another sytsem.
I'd be interested in seeing some larger screens of some games (where possible). Possibly a page of four per game?

My only other suggestion is in the naming of the files. Page10.png comes before Page2.png alphabetically, which had me stumped why you were saying "Hello" and then "The End!".
As a solution: for the eMag Reader I've been working on, I've used the naming convention "pg###.png" (so "pg001.png", etc). This keeps them all in order.
More details on that later, though ;)

Edit: Also (after getting to the end), I'd be interested in having an "In Brief" section in each mag, listing five or six games that scored averagly and haven't been reviewed in full (even if they will be later).
So just a list of titles with genre and score.

Keep it up, though. I enjoyed the first one
Dude, Cotton is a fantastic port of a fantastic game.

Rest of the magazine is fine, I'm looking forward to the next edition :)