First Ever Gp2x Magazine Released!


Death of Rats!
Jun 17, 2006
Bergen, Norway
A thread in the cool ideas forum for the GP2X set my mind racing on ideas for magazines for the GP2X. I've come up with this pilot episode, a proof of concept, if you will. This edition is mainly silly, but the next edition will feature reviews, more interviews, a feature and more silliness. (also a better logo design for the name of the mag.),0,0,0,23,1664
Thanks for niceties! ^_^

If more of these magazines pop up, there should maybe be a new directory in the file archive with a sub-directory for each of the magazines, as they'd take up quite a bit of space if they all started just posting their stuff in the misc section.
Great idea! I would love to see more of this.

I just read it and it was a good laugh :) Maybe this could turn out into a weekly or monthly thing... But to be honest i would rather see a paper edition of the magazine. For example an official GP2X magazine. Just like every other good magazine about games and stuff. That would be best i think. Maybe even this one, and the paper edition. That would be even more fun!

But, lets keep it real, a second edition of this magazine with more information, screenshots, would be real cool! I don't see that paper edition coming for quite some time. And this magazine already has it's first release. Please continue! ;)
I can design a cover for your issues :blink: :

What do you think? :huh:
Magnulus posted on Jul 18 2006 at 12:29 AM said:
Thanks for niceties! ^_^

If more of these magazines pop up, there should maybe be a new directory in the file archive with a sub-directory for each of the magazines, as they'd take up quite a bit of space if they all started just posting their stuff in the misc section.

A category and sub-category system for homebrew mags would be a great idea, but what about an official mag?

Official mag and contest in one pack, powered by donations, basic publicity and sponsors... ?

Ok, maybe I need to think this over :lol:
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Magnulus posted on Jul 17 2006 at 11:29 PM said:
Thanks for niceties! ^_^

If more of these magazines pop up, there should maybe be a new directory in the file archive with a sub-directory for each of the magazines, as they'd take up quite a bit of space if they all started just posting their stuff in the misc section.
That wasn't something me and Nova were working on doing also :unsure:

Damn him and his 2 week holiday!
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OMars posted on Jul 18 2006 at 12:56 AM said:
I can design a cover for your issues :blink: :

What do you think? :huh:

A truly ingenious design, OMars! You shouldn't give that over to ME, you should keep it for your own projects. That's how ingenious it is! ^_^

Meanwhile, I've updated the mag with some minor fixes, plus a major fix to the front page, incidentally.
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Some kind of official newsletter distributed by GBAX might be nice. It'd have community contributions, announcements, how-to guides for beginners, news about hardware changes etc. and an issue could be included free with new units shipped by GBAX.
Magnulus posted on Jul 17 2006 at 06:14 PM said:
OMars posted on Jul 18 2006 at 12:56 AM said:
I can design a cover for your issues :blink: :

What do you think? :huh:

A truly ingenious design, OMars! You shouldn't give that over to ME, you should keep it for your own projects. That's how ingenious it is! ^_^

Meanwhile, I've updated the mag with some minor fixes, plus a major fix to the front page, incidentally.
Thank you so much. ^_^ This was made in like five minutes and that's why the background isn't very special. I was actually willing to make covers for all your issues, but oh well. B)
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Some great ideas here but these are just my thoughts:

It's a good idea to have a magazine but I'm not really sure if it would fly out in great numbers. I dont think I would buy it. I stopped buying magazines a while back and get them occasionally now, blame it on the internet, apart from PHP Archtect which I get as a PDF.

So it would have to be financially viable for the person who makes it. Homebrew magazines in the spirit of the gp2x made as a PDF would be a better idea. There are plenty of ways of making a PDF like using OpenOffice or using Scribus a freely available page layout program.

I think it should also cover various topics so things like
News (obviously)
Guides and tutorials
Game Development

Pretty much your standard format. I just dont think you could expect to earn money on it. Perhaps from contributions. Or perhaps affiliate advertising which you could do in a PDF file.

Anyway that's my thoughts :)

Bugger! Didnt realise there was another thread on brain hurts!
I reckon JPG or PNG format would be better than PDF - the GP2X PDF viewer is rather slow. You could have one JPG/PNG and one PDF edition.
Shikaku posted on Jul 18 2006 at 11:20 AM said:
nickspoon posted on Jul 18 2006 at 12:13 PM said:
I reckon JPG or PNG format would be better than PDF - the GP2X PDF viewer is rather slow. You could have one JPG and one PDF edition.

Amen! :D
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Magnulus posted on Jul 17 2006 at 10:58 PM said:
A thread in the cool ideas forum for the GP2X set my mind racing on ideas for magazines for the GP2X. I've come up with this pilot episode, a proof of concept, if you will. This edition is mainly silly, but the next edition will feature reviews, more interviews, a feature and more silliness. (also a better logo design for the name of the mag.),0,0,0,23,1664

YIHAAA!! You are going to pull it of! thanks dude... i know the psp´s wasent better ;)
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PSyMastR posted on Jul 19 2006 at 07:25 AM said:
Magnus, are you looking for more writers, or is this going to be a self author'd magazine?

I'm not really looking, per se. I've got some people who might help with an article or three for the next issue, but if I need any more, I will probably ask someone I know to have good writing skills. Who this someone is or isn't, I haven't given much thought to. I'll deal with that when I have to. ^_^
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I am really confused. Some people are asking for an official magazine or homebrew magazine but people are creating image based magazines for use in the gp2x.

There is some great talent here and I dont mean to disrespect but I don't think I could really be bothered to read a magazine using the gp2x, as much as I love it. And what about people who havnt got a gp2x and would like to learn more before they buy?

I would just like to see a professional format PDF magazine which I can fire up on the 'puter and either read onscreen or print out specific articles. It all depends on what is wanted from a magazine. A good example I think would be articles about development which could get some more coders in or help those who can code to learn the architect easily. There is stuff in the development forum which can be salvaged and put together in a several part series.

I don't know if a reader exists but SVG could be a useful format as this is scalable. But I still think for a magazine PDF is still the best way for not reading on the gp2x. You could embed links to affiliates if you wanted to make money from it.

It reminds me of the so called 'Podcast'. Apparantly most people watch them on their computer and not on their pmp.