PokeParadox Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder Staff member Joined Dec 8, 2005 Messages 6,603 Age 41 Location UK Website pokeparadox.itch.io WEBSITE https://github.com/pokeparadox YOUTUBE pokeparadox May 15, 2009 #21 Thanks Hando, it's great to be back! Long live GP32X
pkostrze Member Joined Sep 23, 2005 Messages 331 Age 56 Location NW Detroit, MI Website vampireslug.deviantart.com May 15, 2009 #22 I almost started crying when, after being away for a while, I found the board down! Hooray, long live GP32X!
I almost started crying when, after being away for a while, I found the board down! Hooray, long live GP32X!
hando Chief Editor Joined Jun 13, 2002 Messages 967 Age 50 Location Poznan, Poland Website www.gp32x.com May 15, 2009 #23 Once again sorry it took so long but belive me. Most of this time I was forced to just sit and wait for an answer from IPB support team so just couldnt do anything to speed the things up. Well at least it's behind us
Once again sorry it took so long but belive me. Most of this time I was forced to just sit and wait for an answer from IPB support team so just couldnt do anything to speed the things up. Well at least it's behind us
andyB911 Member Joined Feb 12, 2005 Messages 365 Location The Village Website Visit site May 15, 2009 #24 Great to be back. Clearly the upgrade process was painful - thanks for persevering. Thanks Hando!
PoisonedV Yeah, I'm a GIRL gamer, what of it? Joined Oct 20, 2006 Messages 3,096 Age 34 Website Visit site May 15, 2009 #25 It's beautiful
F fishybawb Hired Geek Joined Jul 22, 2005 Messages 1,115 Age 45 Location York, UK Website Visit site May 15, 2009 #26 Awesome, thanks guys
Wolfsclaw can't be longer than 2 months right? Joined Oct 20, 2003 Messages 1,747 Age 35 Location Germany/France Website Visit site May 15, 2009 #27 Juhu (thats german for hooray) we're back
Tobriand Well-Known Member Joined Dec 27, 2002 Messages 4,071 Age 39 Location Croydon (UK) Website Visit site May 15, 2009 #28 Whehaaaaay! Good to be back! Congrats to Hando and Evildragon on getting everything sorted eventually
Whehaaaaay! Good to be back! Congrats to Hando and Evildragon on getting everything sorted eventually
mindlord Notices Two Things Joined Mar 10, 2006 Messages 1,786 Location In a cave. Website Visit site May 15, 2009 #29 I'd like to celebrate by offering the following. If Hando doesn't want to use it, I understand. Viva la gp32x.de! Edit: here's a favicon: Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2016
I'd like to celebrate by offering the following. If Hando doesn't want to use it, I understand. Viva la gp32x.de! Edit: here's a favicon:
F Flavor Daddy Joined Mar 19, 2003 Messages 374 May 15, 2009 #30 I'm glad you're back! I was worried that I'd have to go elsewhere to get good Wiz discussion now that it's out.
I'm glad you're back! I was worried that I'd have to go elsewhere to get good Wiz discussion now that it's out.
dsraa Member Joined Jul 20, 2004 Messages 286 May 15, 2009 #31 Ahh......so nice.....thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!!!! I got my sigs working again........kewl schtufff......
Ahh......so nice.....thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!!!! I got my sigs working again........kewl schtufff......
x68000 Mega GP Mania Joined Oct 27, 2003 Messages 1,658 Location Co.Durham, UK May 15, 2009 #32 Really is excellent to be home! Thanks to Hando & ED!
skeezix Internal Development Joined Mar 11, 2003 Messages 8,070 Website www.codejedi.com May 15, 2009 #33 *gush* yay! (And someone post news about the Wiz's actual release ) jeff
iprice Certified Guru Joined Jan 31, 2008 Messages 3,281 Age 54 Location MK. UK. OK. Website Visit site May 15, 2009 #34 Good to see GP32X back Now to get on with some work...
gruso thunderbox Joined Feb 28, 2008 Messages 7,461 Age 48 Location Sydney, Australia Website pandorapress.net May 15, 2009 #35 Viva la gp32x.de! Edit: here's a favicon: I like. Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2016
bacteria Modder & Portablizer Joined Jan 12, 2006 Messages 1,119 Location Hampshire, UK. Website moddedbybacteria.wordpress.com May 15, 2009 #36 Well done, you worked hard on getting this forum back. Thanks from everyone. Looks far nicer too. Fantastic!
Well done, you worked hard on getting this forum back. Thanks from everyone. Looks far nicer too. Fantastic!
gp2.eXe Ultra Mega GP32X Mania Hardcore Joined Feb 20, 2009 Messages 587 Location Well, i'm here... Website Visit site May 15, 2009 #37 I've missed this place so much! Now we can all relax... Thanks Hando! (Yes, the quotes are because I missed that too...) Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2015
I've missed this place so much! Now we can all relax... Thanks Hando! (Yes, the quotes are because I missed that too...)
rabbits with hats GP2X Joined Jan 12, 2005 Messages 982 Age 34 Location Peterborough England May 15, 2009 #38 Rabbits approves of the updates thanks for all your hard work Hando and ED
Farox Certified Guru Joined Jan 8, 2009 Messages 2,432 Age 57 Location Italy Website rbnet.it May 15, 2009 #39 Thanks Hando, it's a very good work...
trooper Trooper`s watching you !!! Joined Apr 20, 2003 Messages 5,503 Location The DarkSide (London) Website Visit site May 15, 2009 #40 Aahhhh!, Home again at last. It`s great to be back. I thought i`d never see these four walls ever again. Thank you VERY VERY much Hando for sticking by GP32x, And never giving up, You are a real Trooper. Now where did i leave my pipe and slippers. :rolleyes: Trooper
Aahhhh!, Home again at last. It`s great to be back. I thought i`d never see these four walls ever again. Thank you VERY VERY much Hando for sticking by GP32x, And never giving up, You are a real Trooper. Now where did i leave my pipe and slippers. :rolleyes: Trooper