Film Conversion


Oct 24, 2005
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I have converted a couple of films to .avi with pocket divx encoder but the audio is slightly behind the the picture. I click on the audio sinc button but that brings me up a box to load a periously save sinc (I think) can anyone help?
Is the audio out of sync when you view the .avi on your computer or just on your '2x? Ever since 1.2.0 came out I've been unable to watch any videos in sync :(
I got exactly the same prob as K3nn - i've been holding out changing back to 1.1 because 1.3 was due, but i'm not gonna hold my breath any longer and am changing back.

Shame really, cos the new main menu works a treat.
Not, sure. Will have to check them when I get home but I think they are fine on the PC. I am on 1.2.1 firmware.

My divx 5.2 encoded movies playback out of sync with f/w 1.2.1 and it's even more noticibale now I have watched them back using the TV out cable. :(

They playback fine on my PC and I'm pretty sure they were okay before I upgraded from 1.1.0. so I'm hoping it wil be fixed in 1.3.0 :rolleyes:
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Maybe you should try xvid?

Xvids seem to work fine.. As well as the fact that its alot more popular than divx.. I dont think any anime fansubs, or movie piraters use divx anymore, they all use xvid! :)
I always suggest XviD. And even though it's more of a pain in the ass than PocketDivX, go here and use my guide. The audio is almost never out of sync, and XviD looks great with small filesizes. Also, I just like that people use the lil guide I made ;)
My point was that I encode all my videos myself.

I have other devices on which I can playback video and the divx videos I have encoded work very well on them. I am not re-encoding videos using xvid just because the audio sync got messed up in fw realease 1.2.1.

That's all. :)
A little tip. Look for a program called pocketdivx. It's a free program and you can choose the resolution, the picture quality and the sound quality. You can even streatch the picture when the original isn't big enough to fill the screen. It has batch conversion and even can repair file that don't work. then pop your film on your card and enjoy. It syncs the audio and the picture. It is great and don't forget to donate. This program is as good as the proffesional products on the market
A little tip. Look for a program called pocketdivx. It's a free program and you can choose the resolution, the picture quality and the sound quality. You can even streatch the picture when the original isn't big enough to fill the screen. It has batch conversion and even can repair file that don't work. then pop your film on your card and enjoy. It syncs the audio and the picture. It is great and don't forget to donate. This program is as good as the proffesional products on the market

Did you read the posts in this topic? :P

The first post by Thunderchild says she is using PocketDivx and is having trouble with audio sync. There are quite a few users myself included, who have noticed that audio sync is now broken in fw 1.2.1 and that videos that played fine under 1.1.0 don't now. With a TV-out cable to a 40inch screen it is even easier to see. :blink:

I use AutoGordianKnot, it does a far better job of keeping the true aspect ratio of the source file. I have 5 mobile video devices all capable of playing back divx encoded videos. At the moment the only one not working correctly is the GP2X under 1.2.1, here's hoping for an improvement in 1.3.0. :rolleyes:
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In order to have the audio in sync on 1.2.x you MUST HAVE the audio set to 128kbps or else it's too fast/slow. I also hope they get this fixed in 1.3.x I encoded my Nightmare before Christmas using PocketDivx encoder and it played in sync the entire time on 1.2.1.

In order to have the audio in sync on 1.2.x you MUST HAVE the audio set to 128kbps or else it's too fast/slow. I also hope they get this fixed in 1.3.x I encoded my Nightmare before Christmas using PocketDivx encoder and it played in sync the entire time on 1.2.1.


Sorry, I should have said, but all my videos have been encoded using 128kbps.

Using an animated/stop motion video as an example doesn't really work for me. How can you do a realistic check for lip-sync on a non-live action video? If you watch a live action movie with real actors, you will see the loss of sync.

Having done a forum search, I see there are other users who have all experienced audio sync problems since upgrading to 1.2.x.
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I will try one of my Harry Potter movies after Monday. I'll post my findings in here. I work nights on the weekends.

Fair enough. My bad. Here are the settings that I use for pocketdivxencoder.

When it first runs, I pick Pocket PC. this restricts the resolution to 320 x 240

Then next thing I do is increase the picture quality to 20 or 360kbs and the sound to 6, which is 96kbs. At the bottom of the utility there is a button with CORRENT AUDIO/VIDEO SYNC. Make sure that it is ticked. If everything is ok. Just add the movies to the list of files that you want encoded. I encoded a load of films and they work fine with 1.0.1 and 1.2.1

One thing you must remember to do if you upgrade the firmware is to install the Kernal upgrade and then the software upgrade and I think it must be done in that order. I had a lot of trouble finding which way to install them.

1: install this one first: robstersKernel1.2.1Update. remember to copy gp2xpatch-1.2.1.tar.gz as well. run then .gpe file and when it is finished, switch the machine of for ten seconds

switch it back on and you will see firware 1.2.1 but, we are only half done.

now copy over from gp2x1.2.1 this file patch20060107.gpu. Do not and I do mean do not copy over the file called gp2xkernel.img. I don't know why but, I was just following the instruction. Now run the gpu file. once it is done, your machines kernal and software has been upgraded and you should be able to run the films fine.


It work for me, but as above I have only upgraded to firmware once.
@dave19711998 Thanks for your suggestions. :)

I've had my GP2X since they first shipped in November. I have gone through each firmware update and haven't had any problems. Robsters read me files have seen me right each time. ;) I also read the boards religiously and probably more than is healthy.

Remember that I did say I have other mobile devices that playback the same encoded Divx movies fine, it is just the GP2X that gets it wrong at the moment, fw 1.2.1. Look closely at the lip sync on a movie and you can see it, blow that image up on a TV screen and it becomes even more noticable.

AutoGK also syncs the video to audio stream like PocketDivx, and I don't have anything against PockectDivx. It's just my personal preference to use AutoGK and I like the results I get.

Until 1.3.0. comes along I won't be putting anymore videos on my GP2X, so it could be a while before I post again re this subject.