Help Gp2x-f200 Video Conversion Question...


Still Fresh
Jan 24, 2008
hey everyone,

i'm a newbie so forgive me if i'm not up to speed as far as how everything works.

i'm trying to convert .flv videos into a playable format for the gp2x-f200. i am using a recommended "total video conversion" program that i found off the site...


the .avi converted videos do not play properly
they stutter pretty much on almost every 6 beat, etc.
it doesn't play clean all the way through...

anyone have any advice?
i have tried to convert these .flv's into all of these avi formats and still it hangs/stutters/gets on my nerves.... :-)

mushedroom said:
hey everyone,

i'm a newbie so forgive me if i'm not up to speed as far as how everything works.

i'm trying to convert .flv videos into a playable format for the gp2x-f200. i am using a recommended "total video conversion" program that i found off the site...


the .avi converted videos do not play properly
they stutter pretty much on almost every 6 beat, etc.
it doesn't play clean all the way through...

anyone have any advice?
i have tried to convert these .flv's into all of these avi formats and still it hangs/stutters/gets on my nerves.... :-)


have you tried other flv files?

i have experienced some problems beacuse the original flv file was corrupted in some way (although the flv file still plays fine on main computer)

are you converting to divx or xvid (avi) files, since gp2x can only pay this codex? (sorry for asking this but you never know!)

other than that try mediacoder and see if you get any luck with that.

also if your flv is from a web link try this online covertor:
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