There have been no good fighting games on the PC lately after perhaps Mk4 
If any of you is considering writing/porting a game, please consider making a fighting game rather than yet another shooter. We have more than enough shooters !! Doesnt have to have a ton of characters at the start .. but please make something with good controls and perhaps some mechanism to design characters. If people can design their own characters, lots of people will chip in with theirs and we will have enough collection to choose from.
Pandora's controls should be good for a fighting game.
I absolutely love tekken dark resurrection (PSP) and dbz budokai series (PS2/PSP) and of course MK4
edit : I am not asking you to port tekken or other games mentioned since thats not possible. I am only saying that if you are considering writing a game, pls consider a game in the fighting genre.
If any of you is considering writing/porting a game, please consider making a fighting game rather than yet another shooter. We have more than enough shooters !! Doesnt have to have a ton of characters at the start .. but please make something with good controls and perhaps some mechanism to design characters. If people can design their own characters, lots of people will chip in with theirs and we will have enough collection to choose from.
Pandora's controls should be good for a fighting game.
I absolutely love tekken dark resurrection (PSP) and dbz budokai series (PS2/PSP) and of course MK4
edit : I am not asking you to port tekken or other games mentioned since thats not possible. I am only saying that if you are considering writing a game, pls consider a game in the fighting genre.