Fgen 'weekend' Working Games?

kotd posted on Apr 24 2004 at 02:46 AM said:
Why bother doing a compatibilty list on this beta? Its just to show what the core can do. Only a few games work I have tried 100 roms now only about 5 are playable. As it says in the txt wait for the next release.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles work at 66mhz fs1 full speed absoloutely amazing
The punisher also full speed but at 132mhz
Revenge of shinobi.
Surely it makes MORE sense to have a compatability list then so we are not sorting through 100 ROMS ourself? It's just a quick thread, nothing permenant, us letting us know what we can play.
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nothing wrong with haveing a list of currently working titles so long as it isnt turned into a whole "is this all??!!11!" list. If we can keep it all confined to THIS topic maybe there'll be less of a problem for people figuring out what we can play with it untill the next version... so far from this thread we have:

AirDiver: Works
Batman: playable but main character disapear for a second when hit(I assume this is a frame skip issue just like GPengine)
Beavis and Butthead: works (don't walk left at the beginning though, you'll be stuck)
Dynamite Duke:works
Flicky: works
Phantasy Star 2: works (no save though)
The Punisher: full speed but at 132mhz
Revenge of shinobi: works
Robocop vs Terminator: works
Strider: works
Superman: works
Super Off Road: works
Teenage Muntant ninja turtles: works
virtual bart: works well
Whip Rush: works
James Pond 1, 2 and 3 froze for me :(

DUKE NUKEM 3D Black Screen

Flicky Worked :D

So far it looks like an Excellent Emulator
Mega Games 1 (Columns, Super Hang-On and World Cup Italia 90) @ 132 mhz - Columns works perfect. Super Hang on gets messy graphics and World Cup is buggy but with out gfx-problems.
Flashback - Black Screen and then no response
Zombies Ate My Neighbours - resets the GP32

Sonic 1 works, but sometime when you jump you shoot across the screen much fatser than you would do when you play the game on an actual megadrive.
Vanamonde posted on Apr 24 2004 at 11:03 AM said:
Flashback - Black Screen and then no response
Zombies Ate My Neighbours - resets the GP32

Sonic 1 works, but sometime when you jump you shoot across the screen much fatser than you would do when you play the game on an actual megadrive.

Hello folks - hey I didn't know TMNT was fully playable, I might download that one and try it :)

I should be able to do some stuff to Cyclone this weekend. Just need some sleeeeep first!

Actually one thing I want to sort out is that Sonic left jump bug. I *think* I've thought of a way to catch it (it's a bit complicated to describe how I debug Cyclone) - more news when I have it!

Hope you are all enjoying a few games in fGen32 anyway!
Bloody hell, there's about 10-15 games now:

Superman works
Flicky works
Super Off Road works
Beavis and Butthead works (don't walk left at the beginning though, you'll be stuck)
Doraemon glitchy sometimes, but works for a bit
Strider works
The punisher also full speed but at 132mhz
Whip Rush
Airdiver: Works#
Dynamite Duke: Works!
World Cup is buggy but with out gfx-problems
Tenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Hyper Stone Hist works great. 100% speed frskp 0 on 156Mhz (only tested 1rst level)
* Alien Soldier is playable. Some graphical glitches but still playable

That's very cool - I think next weekend, hopefully once it's all in, you should have a more decent compatibilty list, and that will be useful for me to pick out the problems with Cyclone 68000. Actually, what would even more useful would be games which worked with the old 68000 core (Musashi) but don't work with Cyclone.

That way I can download them step through them and track down the problem.

Anyway... sleeeeeep, then coding frenzy, then drink, then more coding frenzy methinks. see you all later!

PS - Strider doesn't actually work (a least not on PicoDrive) entirely, you can't get past level 2 because of some bugs. It could be the same bug that afflicts Sonic 1 actually. Shame because it's my favourite game!
No prizes for guessing my other favourite game - that right, the one which works entirely ;) (Revenge of Shinobi) I did all my initial testing for Cyclone of Revenge of Shinobi you see, that's why it runs perfect :)
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That's funny.

Super Hang-On in the 3-in-1 as reported actually boots.

Super Hang-On standalone doesn't boot at all. Freezes the GP32.

Turbo Outrun works fine, but with garbled road graphics, the Lap timer doesn't actually count, and you get infinate time as the timer doesn't actually count down either :lol:
777 Casino & Prince of Persia seem to work fine, haven't figured out the controls yet.
Disappointment of the day.

Road Blasters doesn't work.

The title screen and level select display fine, but on starting the game, the road doesn't appear and it then freezes, breaking into funny colours.
The wierdest game trouble I've had is Aladdin. The title screen comes up perfectly but as soon as the game starts you get a screen with some blocky sprites all over and the character just falls through the bottom of the screen several times, then the continue screen shows up perfectly, followed by more falling over and over. A shame really, since this is such a great game, but it will soon be fixed along with all of the other problems I'm sure. Still it's great to be able to play these 15 or so Genesis games we have working so far on this beta fgen. I can't wait for Mega Man: The Wily Wars to become playable, along with Earthworm Jim, Mickey Mania etc... and the addition of sound will be awesome :D

Thanks for the hard work Ryleh and FDave and anyone else contributing to this. :)
Sonic 2 - Jumping bug, but it can be avoided if you run forward for a little while to go a couple screens ahead, then there's no bug and you can jump safely. However, in the second level, all the graphics are mixed up and it's unplayable.

Streets of Rage 3 - GP32 crashes after the intro that is shown after you choose your character.

Sonic Spinball - Crashes

Sonic & Knuckles - Crashes after title screen.

Sonic 1 - Ran perfectly all the way through level 1, I think there was a jumping bug, if there was, I fixed it by running all the way forward to the big stone that blocks your way.